Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Monday, October 31, 2005


Indy and I were talking last night about the game. He was warning me of a few players who ultimately got so addicted to the game that they started failing out of school, doing poorly at work, etc. because all they could think of was improving their game. I'm only a level 1-RAFC so I am not worried right now, but I can understand how people can become addicted. I was in a meeting today at work and all I could think about was Indy's comments on addiction and how the game can eat you up. I want this to happen to me, but I want to be able to control it. I want the ability to lay five different women each week, but then I want to use it to find myself an awesome girlfriend. I'm doing this for the good of myself and for the good of the women I see. It is, however, quite powerful. If you aren't careful, it might consume you like the dark side of the force consumed Vader.

I mentioned I'm a level 1-RAFC. I don't know if anyone has defined levels of players, but I am going to consider every AFC a level 0. Anyone who is introduced to the community and wishes to go down the path of PUA is immediately a level 1 RAFC. Level 2 RAFC is your first successful night of collecting phone numbers. Level 3 RAFC is your first successful hookup based entirely upon your patterns. The rest of the levels up to RPUA (Rising PUA) will be defined as I get there.


Sunday, October 30, 2005

3s Rule Reminder

Here's another way to counter your natural AFCness when thinking of confronting a girl. Well, first, the 3-second rule should always apply, but also, remember this:

What is the worst thing that could happen? Nothing.
What is the best thing that could happen? Something.

Sarging Alone Sucks!

My wingman Indy was at different parties last night, and the guys I was with all had girls, so I had no wingmen. I know that it is important to learn to sarge solo, but for newer RAFCs I've found it's so much more fun with a wingman. I'm sure it's the same even on PUA level--you have lots of great stories to tell afterward. So the lesson to learn, students? Like Maverick learned with Ice Man in Top Gun, "I'm not leaving my wingman." Find a wingman and work with him. Find others, too! Indy and I met a new wingman the other night and we're planning to sarge with him down the line. It's going to be a great next few months.

OK, I need to finish packing!



I was at a Halloween party last night, unfortunately without my wingman Indiana. He was at some other party downtown, and it sounds like he had a similar lack of success. I was feeling AFC-like at the second party, just chilling with my friends who have girlfriends on hand, so it was pretty lame. There were a few cute girls in the houses but they each had a guy wrapped around their arm, and AMOG'ing at a friend's house isn't always the nicest thing to do. The few bites I had weren't up to my standards (many women just need to lose some fucking weight! There are few things worse than a fat woman. Go to the gym, stop eating donuts every morning, run for a bit!).

Again I'm learning I need to read more. I'm moving right now to the University area so I haven't had time to sit down and read, and there's always a social event that consumes my time as well, so it's been difficult to make time for The Game and ASF material, but I will not lose focus here.

Some goals:
  • I will successfully seduce a girl within the next three months.
  • I will have a casual relationship with at least two girls within the next six months.
  • By July 2006, I want to be on the exact other side of the spectrum, with the PUA title so close I can almost taste it.
  • By New Year's 2007, I will be a PUA.
We've had some great ideas for additional ways to make the game even more exciting. More to come...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Last Night (again)

I was exaggerating how good I was doing last night. The girl wasn't essentially saying "let's go fuck," but she was most definitely very interested in me. I started into kino with her very quickly (the first second I saw Indiana doing his kino on the obstacle) and she was digging it. I was stroking her arms and saying how smooth her skin was and how it looked Portuguese or Brazilian, and she kept touching my pecks. Someone interrupted our conversation so of course, like the upcoming PUA I am, I took off and went to talk to someone else. When I came back she said "hey where did you go???" So I started talking with her more and then she disappeared literally and didn't return. For the post mortem, I should have gotten her phone number and taken off, but I failed unfortunately.

Discussing this one girl too much is a sign of one-itis, but I'm still mad excited how well it worked.

First Bout of Sarging in the University Area

My RAFC friend (Indiana) and I just came back from the University area of my city, and my god did we have a good time. We were sarging at two Halloween parties, meeting the fine ladies that the university has to offer. There were a few opportunities I had, but the greatest opportunity (where the girl was essentially saying "let's go fuck") I passed up on. It's OK though--there will be plenty of opportunities to come. Indiana is a great wingman and we're going to have a blast. I'm loving it!

Life is great!

Friday, October 28, 2005


I'm preparing to sarge with my fellow RAFC friend. We're determined to become PUAs within the next few months, and we're going to be methodical about it, too. We'll be sarging twice per week at nights, and on weekends we'll sarge at least one weekend night. That's three sessions per week. The great thing, though, is that the more you do it, the better you get and the more natural you get. You also start to do it all the time. You're always-on. It's great!

So I've got two personal goals for the next six months: bodybuilding and sarging. I love bodybuilding because I feel great doing it and seeing myself pushing up more weight as the weeks pass is awesome. Also the girls have started to notice. :-) Sarging, however, is the most important personal trait I can gain over the next year. Nothing else is more important in my personal life than my ability to become a PUA.

My friend and I (he has no alias yet) are going to sarge hard-core for the next few months and then we will most likely take a course on it in Vegas or NYC. I've read numerous accounts from people whose lives were literally made better after a year of practice.

I told a close female friend about my player training and she thought it was wrong because romance should be more natural, or an art. Of course she would say that because the best seducers make the seducee feel like it was completely natural! Duh! So it was stupid of me to argue with her on this one, but I'm understanding yet another piece of the puzzle.

I am still a bit worried. Some people who devoted themselves to sarging became animals, nowadays sleeping with five different girls a week. That's great and impressive, but it's also a bit sick. Just think of the STDs! I want the ability to sleep with as many women as I want, but more importantly, when I happen upon a girl I find absolutely dynamite (like my catalyst), I won't screw it up with her. In fact, I'll make her want me more than I want her, and my newfound charisma and confidence will exude to others around me, making me even more desirable to my mate. So I'm really doing this for the greater good of myself--I'm not trying to become an asshole or anything.

I'm excited! Let's see where this road leads, O readers!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I was talking with an RAFC friend of mine and we're super excited about sarging in the University area. He's reading The Game right now and I'm starting into it soon, but we talked about how this plan will make our lives a lot better in the long run. We'll be more confident and we'll be better mates. In short, our lives will get better as well as those lives of the people around us. This is brilliant! And those bloody Tarot cards that caused a stir for me a few weeks back even predicted this! Onward!


Sunday, October 23, 2005

Rejection Is Fun!

The most difficult hurdle for fresh RAFCs is handling rejection. Oh, one might say, "I don't care about being rejected, I just don't know what to say," but that is only partially true. Rejection can and does hurt, at least initially, but once you start hitting on every hot girl in the room, you start to get used to it. Eventually, as I found last night, it can be quite fun! What you do is have a few guy/girl friends with you and take bets. Hit on the hottest girls nearby and see how far you can get in conversation, or at the same time see how badly you can get rejected. It's a lot of fun for people watching, and it makes for great stories. So make a game out of it and enjoy yourself!

As an aside, I'm noticing an extra thing that should be mentioned: smile a lot. Don't smile so much that you look like the Joker in Batman or anything, but have a smile on your face when passing girls. A girl who smiles right back at you is just waiting for you to say hello.

I'm still ramping up on my reading. There's just so much, and I've been so busy on other projects recently. I need to keep allocating one hour/night to studying the guide, but I am always exhausted from work/working out/socializing! Excuses!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Closure on the Conflict

What's bothering me now is not my reaction: I've come to terms with it and what I've done, and I'm happy that I'm happy about what's going on. Rather, my natural PUA's reaction to the conflict is what's most fascinating:

My good friend here asked his PUA friend to stand down as a "personal favor." At that point, if a really good friend asked me to back down from a girl--any girl--that I had just met, I would without hesitating. I might ask "why" for curiosity as to why he was so adamant, but it doesn't really matter why. What's important is that he would respect his good friend's request and do it. Bros before hos. End of story.

This leads me to believe he's not really a natural PUA and that he is, in fact, full of shit. He probably has more insecurities than I have, but he's just naturally charming to women. So I'm not worried about this too much. Besides, if my catalyst gets seriously involved with him, she wasn't right for me to begin with, as she would be a poor judge of character.

What would you do if your good friend asked you to back down from a new girl? His reasoning is irrelevant, but he asks as a personal favor to stand down. What would you do?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Stop Whining!

I realized a lot of my previous posts were me whining. The more I think about this situation with the PUA and my catalyst, the better it sounds to me. OK so let's consider her LTR material for me. The probability of he and her getting into an LTR is already low, but even if they do, the probability of them staying together is very low since I know that he's not her type. So they can be together for a while and happy, but at the same time I'm going to be using her for my own social proof in social settings, thus honing my PUA skills with her helping me (not that she'll know any of this).

It's brilliant, really. Thinking back, this is exactly what I wanted: I wanted to learn how to become a PUA and provide any woman with an awesome experience. Had she not rejected me and were we going out now, it would be lame and I would be boring. So it's really fantastic the way things turned out; I just wish this PUA weren't so closely connected to me.

Life has a way of working itself out for me, so I'm not too worried. As Van Wilder also says,
You can't treat every situation as a life or death matter, 'cause you'll die a lot of times. Write that down.
So no worries, hakuna matata, and keep reading!


Resolution: the Read-Practice Cycle

One of my fellow RAFCs is now single again (in the sense that he's not dating anyone seriously), so I now have a sufficient wingman to take with me to the social scene. This will be great since we want to sarge hard-core over the next few months. We're planning to hit the scenes twice during the week and as much as possible on weekends. I'm out of town most weekends from now until the new year, so I will need to focus on weeknight sargings.

We're going to be methodical: read as much material as you can on the ASF site (at least one hour per night), then switch to books like The Art of Seduction and The Game. Then practice all the time: the game is always on. I think after a few months of practice, we could be so good at the game that we won't even think about it anymore.

That's the important lesson here, folks. Practice makes perfect. All skills require practice, and seduction is no different. Some are born naturals, like some are born naturally good at languages or instruments. If you don't practice enough sarging, you'll never get any better, and you'll live the rest of your days as an AFC. You've got just one shot at this life, so don't waste it.

At the same time, have fun. Don't take life too seriously: you'll never get out alive.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Update on the Conflict...

I just posted a couple of hours ago but this is a hot issue for me right now. I talked with my friend about his friend, the natural PUA, and his interest in my catalyst. Originally I had asked for the PUA to severe his connection with the girl as a personal favor, but then I thought about it more and realized there's nothing I can do about it, and it's quite frankly none of my business to interfere with them. If they want to hang out and she likes him a lot, well that's just something I'm going to have to deal with. It's unfortunate that this guy is only two hops away from me, and I swear to God I don't want to hear anything about their relationship as it forms, but it's something I've got to let happen.

It's interesting to note how close in proximity this occurs after the Tarot card reading. The cards specifically show that a reunion would occur soon between me and a former interest, and that the reunion was more of a relationship than a friendship. Then, the next day (literally) she meets this PUA and is, of course, in love with him. So how am I to take this omen? I was so excited to return home and see her, and the mere thought of hanging out with her in a platonic sense was making me smile. I suppose the reality that I still suffer from one-itis set in once news from their meeting arrived.

It hurts. (aside: playing Everybody Hurts by REM) We've been hanging out a lot more recently and have been having such a good time, and now she just walks right by me and goes for another guy. Sure, she's hot, she's smart, and she's a boatload of fun, but doesn't she have any interest in me? Even talking about this is total AFC-ness, so I'm going to shut up now and read some more material. Fuck it all, I'm going to become a real PUA. All I need to do is increase my perceived value and my life will become a thousand times better. Do that by hitting on women left and right, riding an awesome car, sculpting a great body, and making a lot of money. In short, make yourself the most confident mothafucka around.

ASF quote for the night:
But on the whole, as the point of seduction is to make the girls finally want to almost rape you, YOUR sexual desires should never even be a subject of discussion.
Thinking about it more, though, I feel this is a great situation. Her being my "catalyst," after all, was my motivation to start down the path of becoming a PUA, but recent interactions with her pushed me back towards my old AFC self and the "I'll just be me" mentality. Of course this means not reading much ASF material and practicing as much as I should, which was true. So now I'm heads down on the ASF site reading as much as I can before collapsing from sleepiness.

I've got a new goal: to read as much as I can on the subject, study women, and most importantly, practice constantly. If I can guarantee that I'll be sarging twice per week (during the weekdays) and then continue on weekends if I'm in town, I'll build my confidence levels to unbelievable levels. Then, after I've slept with a half dozen women in the wake, I'll see about my relationship with my catalyst. Let's be honest, here: if I can learn how to make my life a lot happier by seducing women, showing them a great time, and always being happy, then in the long run, this will help me redirect my attention towards the original target: the one that got away. And quite frankly, if we did have a more serious relationship, it wouldn't work too well anyway right now and she would get bored of me. But wait till she sees how much better I'll be doing once I'm in the University area.

Things I'm doing to improve my life drastically:
  • Kicking ass at work
  • Buying better clothes (not necessarily more expensive, but just better fitting for my body and look)
  • Working out regularly (5 times per week, lifting 4 of those)
  • Even more exercise once I'm in the University area: wake up at 8:15, run for 30 mins, do pushups and pullups to failure, and then make breakfast while showering and listening to the morning news.
  • Getting a really nice car in a few months (2001 Corvette, 6 speed, 350 hp, red/tan/tan, soft top)
  • Hardcore practicing PUA tactics, studing women, reading books like The Art of Seduction, The Game, and anything from the ASF sites.
  • Rhinoplasty: I'm going to get a nose job that, according to my friends, makes me look a lot more attractive (the nose is more natural and brings out my beautiful blue eyes). $8-10K price tag, but I can always make extra money on the side somehow.... I'll think of something.
Give me a few months of this and I'll be money. Keep following this blog, O interested AFCs!

Conflict on the Home Front

Conflict has arisen on the home front. I returned from my weekend trip to bad news from a good friend and fellow RAFC: one of his natural PUA friends has taken an interest in my catalyst (they met last night at a party). Normally I would hope this wouldn't affect me, but it is because of those stupid damn Tarot cards! Ugg, it's bugging me.

One thing this teaches me is that there is a definite volatility of the spectrum on the road from AFC to PUA. An AFC becomes an RAFC immediately once he realizes that he is an AFC and wants to change, but the road to PUA is long and windy. You will progress along the spectrum, perhaps even getting to a midway point, speeding up towards PUA with each success story. But you will get knocked down again, and you will fall back towards the AFC end as well. The lesson to learn, friends, is that you must not give up. Remember that you're money and any girl should be very lucky to be with a guy like you. Don't be damaged by obstacles on the path. Stay the course and you will prevail.

Also another lesson to learn is to always have 3-4 girls in the pipe. As an early RAFC, this is a difficult challenge, but once you have multiple girls who are calling you to hang, you won't think about any one girl as much as I am thinking about this one... unless she really is dynamite, like Gwen in Van Wilder.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Tarot Cards

I don't believe in Tarot Cards or reading into the future, but at the party tonight this woman read my fortunes her understanding of my present was absolutely right on the money. I'm skeptical of how she came to her conclusions, but they were correct. Such topics included:

  • My insecurities from the past (skeletons)
  • My aspiring player abilities (seduction)
  • The "reunion" with an ex or former interest
  • My father figure where I work who sees my weaknesses but ignores them
  • My dedication to my goals and how I will never let anything get in my way
It was amazing: she was truly right on the money. The most interesting component, of course, was her mention of a reunion with a former possible lover. This of course would be the source of my one-itis. She said I will be the one who makes the choice whether to pursue it or let it become a friendship. It's up to me, and I will cross that bridge soon (intersection).

Wow. I'm still skeptical of Tarot card readings, but these mentions were like she was reading directly into my psychology. More comments later...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Out of Town Sarging

I'm visiting a friend out of town this weekend at her place somewhere in the heartland of America. They are having a huge party tonight with a highly favorable female to male ratio, so I am going to be sarging away like normal. I just need to figure out how to close the deals! This is part of my research I still have not yet covered enough, and I've been so busy traveling that I've been unable to study more ASF material. I'll dig into some SS tonight and see what I can find.

Update on my battle against one-itis: I think I am clear! I'll keep you posted but once I can confirm that I've cleared it, I'll be the happiest man alive.

Also, you may want to purchase a new book out now called The Game--it's all about the life of PUAs. So like a schmuck, of course, I am going to have to order a copy. Dammit, I just placed an order with Amazon the other day! Maybe some day I'll write my own book on the subject...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Getting Close to Escape Velocity!

I'm getting close to escaping one-itis with the catalyst. I hung out with her tonight and wasn't nervous, concerned if other guys were talking with her, or even trying to be flirtatious with her. I was just myself. It was great. And I got the smile/look/chat with numerous other ladies at the bar as well. It was amazing. This alpha male theory is right on the money. We even talked about it together! What an amazing girl.

Anyway, the real test for freedom of one-itis will be how I take meeting her boyfriend or whoever she is dating. I'm not sure who she is dating, but I have a feeling she is with someone. Once I meet him and don't care to see them kissing in front of me, then I know I will be free. Let's hope this day comes soon!


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Great Quotes

"Oh Lord, give me chastity, but do not give it yet." -- St. Augustine of Hippo

"Why are all rich men jerks?" --Gabriella
"The same reason all beautiful women are bitches." --Carlos
(Desperate Housewives)

Back to studying! I'm going to be out of town this weekend and there is a particularly attractive D-sized girl from my college who will be at a party in the city I'm visiting.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

More Basics

Remember the most important basics: the three second rule and the "just say hi" guideline (this is more of a guideline because you can alter it as appropriate). If you see a hot girl in a bar or at a party, or hell--even in a bookstore--and you notice that she sees you, you have a three second window to move over to her. It takes me between 1-2 seconds to decide if she's hot enough for me, so I have at most 2 seconds to decide whether to go over to her, which leads to the second rule: say hello. This sounds so ridiculously simple but works amazingly well. "Hi, I'm Van" or "Hello, my name is Van." They will naturally respond and shake your hand, and then it's up to you to say something exciting or interesting. (as an aside: do the confidence-building practice. Go to a mall and say hello to every girl you pass. Don't give a shit whether they respond or not, but just smile and say hi. You're not expecting to score any dates here, but it's a great way to build up the confidence to look at a hot girl and not freeze like a deer in the headlights).

Another important attribute that I'm trying to drill into your brain: be the alpha male. Read this story on ASF about alpha males. It looks like it was written by a 12 year-old by the content is right on the money. You want to get girls? You want to do well in life? You want everything to work in your favor? You need to become the alpha male, which essentially means you go for everything you want without asking for permission.

Here's a quote from the article:
Being the alpha male is all about attitude and projecting the image that you are fun to be with and the woman should want to be with you. Being the alpha male is self-perpetuating. The more you believe you are the alpha male, the more you become the alpha male.
This quote is 100% accurate. I'm still becoming an alpha, but I can tell you now: it works! Never apologize for what you say (unless it's in the work environment and you might get fired or something for suggesting a coworker is looking especially "bonable" that day). Never feel the need to defend your actions: just do it. It's really quite a rush! And the funny thing is, since most people are more submissive (beta) especially women, they will let you get away with it. Some women might put up a fight and think you're being a jerk, but I can guarantee you that there is no short list of women who would love to be taken back to their place by an alpha male and dominated that night. You can defile her all you want. (remember: her place--if you want to escape you need to have the ability to do so)

There are some cases in point I can bring up recently: I said some inappropriate jokes at a dinner gathering the other night, and the girl across the table from me thought I was being sexist. I shrugged my shoulders (this is money since it means you don't give a shit about what she said, another sign of confidence) and continued to talk about something else. I threw out other jokes that night and she was smiling at me like I had never seen her smile at me before -- it was like she couldn't help but be engrossed in my confidence. The same thing happened another night where I was being myself and throwing out some very sexual jokes. The tall blond in the group (who was probably 10 years my senior, but I'd still do her) was laughing her ass off and smiling at me, even though she's banging a friend of mine. He's cool so I won't be interfering with them, but she was definitely impressed.

Remember: Be the Alpha Male. Take charge, do what you want, and don't apologize.

First Times

Remember that first times are difficult and you will invariably screw up when you do have a first time. By "first time" I don't necessarily mean getting laid, although that is an important first. Rather, I am refering to the first times situation X presents itself. I've noticed myself handling these "first time" situations with ladies accurately about 40% of the time. So during the majority of cases, I end up fucking up, making a small mental note that "next time" this occurs, I'll know what to do.

For example: I was out at the bar the other night with friends. It was packed. I saw a table of women, one of which had a bride's cap on (whatever those are called--what a bride wears at a marriage). I chatted them up, asking (dumbly) if this was a bachelorette party. The bachelorette, with her nice D's, promptly shows me her T-shirt with the word BACHELORETTE written on it. She's got a great smile and I offer to buy her a drink in congratulations. (note: this was not supplication; this was me just being nice on the spot--there was no goal a priori of getting with her) When I return the drink, she has me sit down and I start chatting with them. Apparently she's getting married next week but she wants to have one last lay before she goes to Hawaii to get the big ring. She asks me if I can find her a condom, so I naively get up and ask one of my buddies for one. I find one and present it to her, say a few more congratulations, and say farewell to the group. Afterward, in debriefing with my boys, they said "you idiot! She asked you to get a condom because she wanted you to sleep with her!" Idiot!

So what do you think, readers? I'm not entirely sure she was pitching the idea of sex with her to me, but if I ever encounter that situation again, I know what I will say: "so who is the lucky guy? Not your fiance--the guy who gets you tonight. :-)" Hopefully she would respond "I'm not sure yet" to which I could reply, "Well let me know if you need a strapping young man to fill the position (wink)"

This may be a bad example because it will occur so rarely, but it's still an area where I should have reacted faster. I broke one of the laws: don't drink much when you go out. This is a rule for numerous reasons:
  1. drinking in bars in America is expensive as hell nowadays
  2. drinking, while reducing your inhibitions, also reduces your ability to think fast
  3. drinking makes it very difficult to take a girl back to her place (remember that) in your car and bang the shit out of her (you should take her back to her place so you can easily leave)
  4. you need to have the girl buy you a drink -- that's hot! The best PUAs usually get 3-4 drinks per night on the girls' tab. This is the 21st century: if possible, make the girl pay for everything.
Back to studying... you can see I have problems focusing on the site because I want to keep postulating right here.

Back to Studying

Alrighty, I've reached my limit and I need to get back to studying. I've successfully overcome the initial hesitation of approaching women or chatting up a random woman on the street. This has had an amazing effect on the rest of my life, actually, and I'm talking with all sorts of people now. I'm also noticing people smiling at me a lot more--it's like that confidence radiates from me.

But I've hit the wall: I can get a conversation started, but now I need to figure out how to demonstrate my value, build rapport, qualify the target (make her fight for it), and seal the deal. I'm heading down this path and I don't know where it will lead me.

If only the catalyst hadn't sparked this new interest. Then again, the catalyst has as a result made my life a lot better without even knowing it. I wonder if I will ever tell her? If only she weren't so dynamite it would be a lot easier to forget her positive traits and focus on her negative traits.

Enough talk: I'm off to the ASF site to read more! Also, when I'm offline I've started to read the Art of Seduction, which looks to be quite interesting. I've also ordered a copy of Get Anyone to Do Anything, recommended by a friend of mine who happens to be a natural player. This latter book has more to do with persuasion by itself, but this all fits into the PUA mentality. It's so incredibly amazing how these components all fit together!

I'll detail reports of these books once I get through them. Things are busy at work, and I'm exhausted from travel this weekend, so I haven't had time to do much!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Theory of Attraction

Suppose man A likes girl B, and girl B likes man A, but in a more platonic manner. Man A continues to flirt with girl B, really hoping something happens between the two, but girl B is currently with some more attractive person. Is the goal to get girl B jealous of man A if man A becomes surrounded by many beautiful women who are even more attractive than girl B? Does this work?

I think it does work because man A's perceived value increases. It's really all about perceived value, no matter how you slice it. A guy who is really hot has high perceived value at a distance; a guy who is really rich has high perceived value in society; a guy with big muscles also might have high perceived value; or a guy who can play a guitar in front of thousands of others might have high perceived value. If you think about it too much, like I do, going from low perceived value to high perceived value does not take that much effort. Get a nicer car, make more money, fix yourself up physically and with better clothes, or start a rock group and go on tour.

I'm still pining over this girl that started it all, but I realized the other day (again) that in the long run, I'm going to be the one with the higher perceived value. I have no problems flirting with women who are ten years older than I am because they look for strong character, stable income, and good senses of humor, whereas women my age (early 20's) tend to look for physical attraction as their primary concern. So in a few years, it won't be a problem for me getting with ridiculously hot women, but what in the hell am I supposed to do until then? Just wait around? Nah: I'm fighting back on all fronts, with a nice car, a good job, a strict bodybuilding regiment, and aspirations for major success. (not to mention better clothes and maybe even some rhinoplasty!)

But what continues to bother me is why I am thinking about this girl when I now know (though I cannot yet prove) that I can get girls who are 9's or 10's! This girl is probably at best an 8 (except for those eyes, rated at 11), yet I cannot stop thinking about her. This is probably because we get along so well, and because I have tasted her lips but was afterward rejected. And, as we know, rejection only makes attraction stronger.

My fight against one-itis and my training towards player-hood continues. I still feel it's a shame that I've had to do this, but I know in the long run this is all for the greater good of not only myself but those girls I choose to "date." It will make my life more enjoyable and provide great experiences for them.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

Do I need to lose all chivalry?

There is a part of me that doesn't want to abandon all the chivalry under which I was programmed. I don't want to become a nasty PUA, but is it the only way to get "the girl" that I still pine over? I suppose once I'm closer to a PUA, I'll find another girl that blows me away, but this one still makes me happy every time I talk to her. That's more important in the long run, of course, but why has she no interest in me?

I'll continue the bodybuilding. It's difficult to resist a PUA who has a finely sculpted body with a large bank account and ambition for a great life -- especially when girls are flocking towards him.

Maybe I'll just get rich and then I won't have to work for it anymore. Why do some of us have to struggle so hard to get something so simple as a solid relationship? It seems some people just fell into their own relationships and are as happy as clams. Despite all this talk of PUA and player training, I honestly still only want a long, fruitful relationship with one girl who makes me laugh and can dance with me. And she likes cooking for me, too. :-) There are three things guys like me search for in a girl: brains, fun, and looks. This girl has them all, and then some. Dammit, this girl really is dynamite.

Insert relevant Van Wilder quote:
"You've never doubted yourself in your entire life. This girl's got you messed up, man." --Hutch

Fuck it... remember the player training. I don't want to become a sleezy player, but if it will help me get a dynamite girl somewhere down the line, I'll do it. Whatever it takes -- and it has already shown to make my life a lot better! So this is for the best, really.

No worries. I've got muscles, money, a hot car, and new game all coming over the next few months. Saddle up, readers. I suppose my struggle will be with myself: can I get over one-itis? This skill is going to be like a rocket: it's going to take an incredible amount of energy to get off the ground, so to speak, but once you're off, you're golden.

I'm going to watch The Aviator tonight for reference as another role model. I don't care much for Leonardo, but he did a great job in that film. Why do people always compare me to Howard Hughes in The Aviator or Richard Branson from Virgin Atlantic/Galactic? Damn, the bar is set high.

More Training Required!

So I've gotten pretty confident with walking up to random girls in bars and saying hello. Actually, this has affected all aspects of my life, including at work and in the casual world. I've just become more friendly and happy as a result, which is a really great feeling. Remember what Van Wilder said about this: "Life is all about developing relationships."

Last night I was at a bar in the gay area of the city. It was a very nice bar and I had a great time, and while I realized I had no problems saying hello to new people, I still didn't know how to continue conversations with that. Furthermore, I was drinking and hanging with my boys, so I wasn't really even looking for hookups. But what I do need to do is get back to the ASF site and continue educating myself on subjects like self-valuation, patterns, and closers. These are baby steps towards PUA, and I'm continuing to push myself away from AFC. I am an RAFC right now, but I sometimes feel like I'm falling back to my AFC days occasionally. The great thing, however, is that I'm aware of it. For instance, I try to never linger in the same position once conversations halt. I just keep on moving!

I went to another bar this past Friday night with "the girl" that started this all in me. We had gone to a baseball game with her friends and were meeting up with more of them afterward for more drinks and fun times. It was great, and I had an extra good opportunity walking up to random women and saying hello. For example, there was this 6' blond with D's who was by herself for a brief while as her AFC date was getting more drinks (supplicating her) to get them both drunk. I walked right up and started chatting with her, but I started to feel towards the end that I didn't know where the conversation would go. I seem to be so good at engaging girls with boys already!

Did I mention that she complimented me twice that night? I know, I'm obsessing over this one girl, but dammit, as Van Wilder also said, "I mean this girl is dynamite!" It's so hard to find a girl who's smart, fun, and attractive. Or maybe I'm not looking hard enough?

Anyway, part of this endeavor was to make "the girl" slightly jealous. You see, the problem is that I met her during my AFC days, and even though I'm now on my way to PUA, she has already pigeonholed me in her mind. (women do this) Of course, even bringing this girl up again is a clear sign of AFC-ness (one-itis), but I still have to mention her since I am still infatuated by her smile and eyes. Have you seen Big Fish? The main character mentions during it that when you meet the woman of your dreams, all time seems to stop. This did, in fact, happen with me and this girl when I first met her, but of course things didn't ultimately work out in my favor. (besides, who wants to get married now?) However, I do think having a strong girlfriend now would be quite beneficial to my Master Plan.

These lyrics remind me of her:

She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry

She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by

Thank you, Guns N' Roses.

So what's the plan now? I'm moving to the University area of this city to say hello to some new student bodies (targets a'plenty). This will give me the practice I need and perhaps some great new adventures. I'm going to continue working out daily at our fantastic gym each weekday (5 days/week!), and I'm going to switch my diet to one fit for a body builder.