Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tarzan's First Direct Set

We hit the Kirkland water front around 5 today with one goal in mind: my wing Tarzan is going to run his first direct set. We walk around for a bit looking for a worthy target, warming up on all sorts of Kirkland girls (i.e. hot trust-fund jailbait). Tarzan asks me to go direct on a girl to demonstrate how it works, but I remind him that it's his day to shine. We finally spot an HB7 in our usual coffee shop and we prep outside. I'm going to go in first to observe the BL, and he will follow a few seconds after I head in.

He goes in, delivers his line, and gets about 50% Christmas tree lights -- he asks to sit down, they talk for about 20 minutes. He is kino'ing her at first and she responds, her BL is spot-on, she's digging him. He likes her but determines he's not as attracted to her as he thought he was, so he gives her his number and ejects. He's on fire--he's in state, he's ready to rock.

I just proved to him the value of direct game. Cut through attraction and straight to rapport. That's my boy! Tarzan, it's going to be a great summer.

Stay tuned for this weekend, when I'll be running around four days of direct day game as it's the Fourth of July weekend. I have a feeling my next breakthrough is coming in the month of July, and most likely by the end of next weekend. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Massive State

Today was my first time in what Mango refers to as "massive state." Tarzan and I leave the gym around 7 and hit the Kirkland waterfront. It's not as target-rich as, say, Pickup Square in San Francisco, but it'll have to do.

I start warming up on the street, instructing Tarzan how to warm up on the street asking for ATMs. Our first set is a 2-set of Paris Hilton clones, so I run on about needing the ATM, then they say it's a mile up the road, I say I'm from Australia and I don't know what a mile is, they confront me on my lack of accent, I say I went "to university" here and lost my accent, they bite, I bust on them (you guys are such dorks!). These are "Kirkland girls," i.e. trust-fund babies who have nothing better to do than tan all day and dress up. Not the type for my harem, but they serve their purpose of demonstrating warm-up sets on the street.

We hit the coffee shop and I instantly notice an AI from a 3-set sitting at the coffee bar. I tell Tarzan I just got AI'd and he laughs, joking how I perceive everything to be an AI nowadays. I'm not kidding: the target wants me to open her up. We're in line and she comes over to me, stands right besides me, looks around the menu as if she's interested, then walks away. Tarzan says dude that was such an AI! In hindsight I should have tried a new line I came up with about three seconds after she walked away: "step away mam, I'm this guy's bodyguard and you look dangerous" (with a smile). Takeaway: use this next time I'm out with Tarzan and a girl walks right next to me and wants me to open her. (for the record, HB7)

We stroll down to the waterfront and are confronted primarily with older couples. I open a few sets for more warmup and spot a direct game-worthy target, but Tarzan freezes and refuses to open her. He gets a phone call when I spot an HB9 at the water fountain that I've seen in my abs class at my gym. I see two kids around her playing with her so I'm praying she's a nanny, but I open anyway: "excuse me, are those two bothering you?" I remind her who I am and banter with her a bit, we run a few interview questions, she's from Ukraine and has amazing blue eyes and probably a 36D cup, she IOIs that I have pretty eyes too, asks where I'm from, blah blah blah. I talk about Capoeira and how I'm starting into it soon and she wants to join. I ask for her e-mail and she gives me her phone number as well.

OK, so I've never #closed an HB9 in Seattle, but at the same time this is a single mother. Tom Leykis warns of single moms, but I'm still majorly attracted to her and her accent is to die for, so I'll just see where this goes. I've wanted this girl for months in the abs class but before I was a PUA, I was too afraid to talk to her. Now I've talked with her, she has responded to banter well, she likes my sense of humor and my eyes, and she definitely wants to fuck. (affirmation: all girls want to have sex; almost all girls want to have sex with me!)

The major point of this thread boils back to the AIs, though. I was walking back to Tarzan's place and a running lone wolf smiled at me and said hello; usually I had to be the one to say hello. The girl in the coffee shop AI'd me as I walked in. HB-Ukrainian on the beach was IOI'ing me... at work I'm getting AIs. In day game at the mall I'm getting AIs... for a while I thought this was all imagined, but I never saw these before ever. I firmly believe these are indeed AIs and I open up any time I get them now... or I should. That will be my rule.

What is causing this? I asked Positive and Mango since it's starting to freak me out a bit, to be honest. They claim that my newfound confidence is causing a disturbance in the force and all the HBs want to talk to me. They want to sit in that shade of my alpha male-ness. They want to have sex with me. :P This isn't perceived: women can sense confidence and want to be around it. I almost feel I don't have to do any work anymore!

This is all amazing. I've never felt so confident as I have in the past two weeks, and it's only going to get better. I would highly advise my readers to do daily affirmations to remind themselves who they are and what they are capable of. As corny as they sound, they work for me, and they are also related to the foundation of cognitive behavior therapy, which is proven to be effective in around 70% of cases. My affirmations are, for now:

1) I'm going to have an awesome day!
2) I am a pickup artist!
3) Almost all women want to have sex with me!
4) I am comfortable in my own skin.

These are all positive, present affirmations. Whether NLP or CBT or whatever is correct, it does indeed change my own beliefs. When I see a girl AI me, I now think "of course she's giving me AIs---she wants to have sex with me!" The only reason I say "almost" all women want to have sex with me, by the way, is because I don't want to hurt my logical unit in my brain by giving it a statement and then finding a counterexample. If "almost" all women want to have sex with me, I'm set.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

FRs: Back to the Game

I'm taking my revived wing out to show him the value of day game, but before we can really start engaging we should try to get chatty with strangers.

We head from work to the Kirkland waterfront and spot a 2-set taking photos. He opens and asks if they are posting on I banter with my target (HB6, 34D) about how I saw her on already and how she had a thing for long walks on the beach. Tarzan banters with his girl about photos and we take a shot with them. Warm up set -- we're now in state, being chatty. I open the next set, an old married couple and we banter about the view of the waterfront, then chat about the ducks and this one main duck with what appears to be a duck mullet. "He's the rebellious 18 year-old duck, I bet". We're all laughing and in general having fun.

We then see a seated 2-set by the waterfront. Tarzan bets me to sit right next to them, I say "oh my God you guys soooo took my seat!" HB7 laughs, AFC boyfriend gets terrified. I start bantering with them about ... hell I can't even remember ... and Tarzan engages. We find she's going to UT-Austin next year and he's staying local at UW. If only she were staying here and he were leaving, I'd be more interested in chatting. AFC boyfriend's BL is terrified: two PUAs are engaging him and he doesn't have a chance, plus he's terrified that this long distance relationship isn't going to work and he's an AFC. You can read it in his face. Trust me, I've been there. We move on.

It's cold outside so we head to a coffee shop with a few targets. I feel I'm getting AIs across the board because, well, I am. Confidence is key, PUAs. We banter with a set who tries to steal our seats, we banter a 4-set (1 HB6, 3 AFCs) about their study habits, and we engage a really awesome 2-set (married) for a solid half hour about all sorts of varied topics. I get a chance to run my "what do you do?" story about how I'm into Capoeira now and it relates to my first trip to Brazil, then I describe why I fell in love with Brazil and Capoeira, and how I want to do it five days a week and become a "black belt" (not sure the rankings just yet).

It's cold and dark, and there are consequently few sets on the street. So we call it a night, but I've "picked up" some solid takeaways:
  1. Tarzan is going to make an awesome wing.
  2. Kirkland waterfront is full of HBs, or at least the best that the east side has to offer.
  3. Being chatty in general will give you the AIs you need.
  4. Confidence is key (duh). Walk confident, talk confident (slow, controlled, focused). It will change your game entirely. Opening sets isn't as hard anymore because I'm cooler about it.
  5. There are plenty of hot girls out there in the world who want you. Tell yourself that every morning. Have the abundance mentality, not the scarcity mentality.
  6. I'm sticking by my claim that direct game is the most powerful game; we've just had two bad days so far with Valentino and Tarzan doing it. But because of HB-Sisters, HB-Elizabeth-Hurley, and HB-Spanish, I'm never going to forget the power of direct.
This should, indeed, become a good summer.

Monday, June 05, 2006

FR: The Power of Direct Game

In San Francisco I went direct on numerous targets with about a 40% "Christmas tree light" effect (credit Mango). I was hanging out with Mango and Positive for Memorial Day weekend when they asked me to enter a set using direct game. I had never done this before, but after enough encouragement I went ahead and did it. For some of the sets, I was entirely blown out (i.e. the girl would just say "thanks" or "I know" when I said she was incredibly cute). But for a surprisingly high number of sets, she would say "Thank you!" and light up like I flipped a switch.

Three examples come to mind:

Ex 1: Mango spots a seated 5-set and a target. He tempts me to enter but I refuse, probably thinking internally that the women are going to laugh at me and I'll never have sex again (illogical belief). Eventually I muster up the courage and enter, I walk up to the target, I say excuse me, I saw you as I was walking outside, and I just had to're incredibly cute! Her response: "thanks." I walk away with my confidence in myself high. Sure, I was blown out, but I did it! Mango enters the place and talks with the girls, then I re-enter and talk to them as well. We say what we were trying to do, and they are surprisingly nice about it! I say thanks to them all for helping me get over this problem and we move on our way.

, we're walking by another coffee shop when Mango spots a cute seated 2-set inside. He says "go direct NOW" and I go in without even a hesitation (after running on the 5-set before, I can do anything now, right?). I enter and say to my target, "I saw you walking by and I just had to say... you are incredibly cute!" The target lights up and says "Thank you!" Her friend says "would you like to have some food?" so I say "sure" and sit down and join them. It turns out they are sisters visiting from San Jose, we fluff for a while, and I get their emails and a picture with them. Wow! It works! Her sister was actually trying to HELP me. What the hell? There is no obstacle (thanks Positive).

Ex 2: We are in a cab headed to Union Square (a.k.a. Pickup Square) when Mango spots an incredibly hot HB9 with a blond HB7 next to her. I literally jump out of the cab and race towards the HB9. I freeze for a moment, Mango helps me gather my thoughts, and he throws me into the set. I approach from behind, tap her on the shoulder, turn her around, and say "I saw you walking by and I just had to say... you are ... incredibly cute!" She also lights up like a Christmas tree! I run back to Mango who orders me to re-open the set. I run back to HB9 and say "I'm sorry, I'll just be miserable unless I get your name." She lights up again and it turns out to be Samantha. She will always be Elizabeth Hurley to me. Thanks Mango--I have now opened my first "amnesia hot" woman.

Ex 3: We're chilling in a bar having some dinner when Mango and Positive are watching a seated 2-set behind me (1 AFC guy and an HB8 blonde). She's begging for kino from him but he just doesn't get it. We start to pack our stuff to leave and the AFC guy goes to the bathroom. Again, Mango says "Her BT is high--go direct!" I walk up to her and run my direct line: "I was about to leave when I saw you... you are incredibly cute!" She grabs my hand and pulls me in for a conversation! We chat briefly about where she's from, what's she's doing, etc. I could have instadated her right there but I was still so amazed at the power of the direct game.

Direct game is where it's at. Why? You can skip attraction material and just go to rapport.

This Weekend: Rapport

This weekend I'm going back into the game. I have the right foundation now and the right toolset, so now I need to build on it. When I'm in state, I'm pretty good with banter, so I am going to practice working on rapport.

I've got the cube figured out, so this weekend I will be working on my deep rapport story along with other rapport stories. I'm going to practice delivering them to myself in the mirror, so I have the perfect delivery (tonality, tempo, pauses). I'm going to practice fun rapport games (fascination game, roleplaying game, etc. credit Mango), and then I'm going into the field to test them out.

Second task of the week: find a good day2 location and start setting up day2s. Game on!

Sunday, June 04, 2006


So I just came back from San Francisco last weekend and had a rush as I was opening more sets than ever before and trying more things than ever. I still have to work on my night game, but what I am really focused on now is day game. As such I'm going to be practicing it exclusively for the next few weeks. Rapport is everything!

But, I took a timeout this week (I know I shouldn't after the rush of hanging out with Mango and Positive), but my best friend from college committed suicide two days after I returned from San Francisco, and I've been mourning his loss ever since then. Why do I post this? I wanted to remind myself and the world of PUAs to not forget that women may come and go, but really good friends--the kind you can trust with your life and inner most secrets--are few and far between. Take a few days off from pickup and hang out with your buddies (even if they are AFCs). Don't glance around the venues looking for "targets." Hang out with your female friends and not your "pivots." Go watch a baseball game! Enjoy a bottle of wine with an old friend and share stories of yesteryear.

Ultimately, this game is supposed to become second nature, but I know for a long time while we're in the game, it becomes our life. That's OK because that's how you get better, and I know now I have the potential to become one of the best PUAs in Seattle. That is my commitment to myself: I will not leave Seattle (i.e. move) until I am a full-fledged, high-ranking PUA who can handle Amber (in Seattle) or the Matrix (in San Francisco) like a playground.