Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

FRs: Back to the Game

I'm taking my revived wing out to show him the value of day game, but before we can really start engaging we should try to get chatty with strangers.

We head from work to the Kirkland waterfront and spot a 2-set taking photos. He opens and asks if they are posting on I banter with my target (HB6, 34D) about how I saw her on already and how she had a thing for long walks on the beach. Tarzan banters with his girl about photos and we take a shot with them. Warm up set -- we're now in state, being chatty. I open the next set, an old married couple and we banter about the view of the waterfront, then chat about the ducks and this one main duck with what appears to be a duck mullet. "He's the rebellious 18 year-old duck, I bet". We're all laughing and in general having fun.

We then see a seated 2-set by the waterfront. Tarzan bets me to sit right next to them, I say "oh my God you guys soooo took my seat!" HB7 laughs, AFC boyfriend gets terrified. I start bantering with them about ... hell I can't even remember ... and Tarzan engages. We find she's going to UT-Austin next year and he's staying local at UW. If only she were staying here and he were leaving, I'd be more interested in chatting. AFC boyfriend's BL is terrified: two PUAs are engaging him and he doesn't have a chance, plus he's terrified that this long distance relationship isn't going to work and he's an AFC. You can read it in his face. Trust me, I've been there. We move on.

It's cold outside so we head to a coffee shop with a few targets. I feel I'm getting AIs across the board because, well, I am. Confidence is key, PUAs. We banter with a set who tries to steal our seats, we banter a 4-set (1 HB6, 3 AFCs) about their study habits, and we engage a really awesome 2-set (married) for a solid half hour about all sorts of varied topics. I get a chance to run my "what do you do?" story about how I'm into Capoeira now and it relates to my first trip to Brazil, then I describe why I fell in love with Brazil and Capoeira, and how I want to do it five days a week and become a "black belt" (not sure the rankings just yet).

It's cold and dark, and there are consequently few sets on the street. So we call it a night, but I've "picked up" some solid takeaways:
  1. Tarzan is going to make an awesome wing.
  2. Kirkland waterfront is full of HBs, or at least the best that the east side has to offer.
  3. Being chatty in general will give you the AIs you need.
  4. Confidence is key (duh). Walk confident, talk confident (slow, controlled, focused). It will change your game entirely. Opening sets isn't as hard anymore because I'm cooler about it.
  5. There are plenty of hot girls out there in the world who want you. Tell yourself that every morning. Have the abundance mentality, not the scarcity mentality.
  6. I'm sticking by my claim that direct game is the most powerful game; we've just had two bad days so far with Valentino and Tarzan doing it. But because of HB-Sisters, HB-Elizabeth-Hurley, and HB-Spanish, I'm never going to forget the power of direct.
This should, indeed, become a good summer.


  • At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Shiiiiiit, you learn this stuff and you're bullying helpless little AFCs? What kind of monster have we unleashed? Nice work just running around causing trouble. My all time fav activity... :)

  • At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I read your entire blog over the last two days and I need to send you a private message. Can you post a throwaway email address?


  • At 12:01 AM, Blogger Van Wilder said…

    You have far too much free time on your hands to read a year of blogging. :P

    Send mail to vanwilderpua at gmail and then of course the .com after that. These are the measures I go to to avoid spam! :P

  • At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A year of blogging takes a few hours to read. You've got mail.



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