Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Stay the Course

The Tarot cards that threw me down this path of destruction in November told me to stay the course, continue working on my abilities as a seducer, that I should forget the problems of the past and the skeletons in my closet, that my father figure knows I have the talent for greatness in me and ignores my own problems, and that I would have a reunion with a former interest. Some of this has come true except for the reunion with the former interest, which I assume is the source of my one-itis. The cards did tell me to stay the course and keep doing what I'm doing, with the hope that I will some day be rewarded.

Right now I'm going to continue working on improving my own life and loving life even more. I do love life and existence, but I am plagued by some terrible pain that I cannot explain. It manifests itself in my head as this horrible pressure on the front of my skull. Unfortunately the orthotic I am using to treat my TMD is not fixing this problem yet so I am hoping they can adjust it or somehow figure a way to get it working. Perhaps they could just reimburse me if it doesn't work?

I'm continuing down my path of PUA and will start sarging full time later in January. I'm getting my nosejob on Jan 3 to give myself a more natural looking nose, I should be negotiating the purchase of a new Corvette in late January too, and I will continue working out regularly. The most important upgrade, however, will be my mental workouts. Sarging, studying women, and practicing regularly will boost my confidence around the female sex, but inner gaming is my primary concern of all. Style mentioned that being truly happy about life and yourself is the most attractive feature a man have, and that is what I am hoping to achieve. A wingman's buddy is going to San Diego to see Steve P later in February, and my wingman here in Seattle is going with me to a self-hypnosis expert in the state of Washington. We are going to see how we can learn the secrets of self-hypnosis to cure problems we have. For instance, I know one of my major problems is pent-up anger that I can't seem to permanently vent. Perhaps with hypnosis I can learn to vent this?

I know the first few months of 2006 will be rough as I am getting started into gaming, but I know it will all turn out well. VW will live up to calling as a PUA and the world will seem a lot nicer as a result. I will be able to get any woman I want and never lose a high quality girl again due to my own AFCness.

Increasing my perceived value is going to be one of my primary concerns. I noticed a week ago when hanging out with old friends how much more my female friends like me when they see me hitting on other girls right in front of them. They saw that me going into a 3-set of women without a care in the world was an incredibly attractive quality, and they gave me kisses as a result. It's amazing how well this works and I hope to keep this train going.

Only you few blog followers know that all of this is being done in an attempt to win back my one-itis, and have her pursuing me like I was the most attractive guy around. I want to arrive to the day where she is almost begging me to be her boyfriend, and on that day I want to decide whether she is worth it. I know this sounds sadistic but it's really not: this girl had some serious potential once she grew up a few years mentally.

Either way, of course, I win out. It's not like people are getting married here, and there's a long way to go before VW settles down with any woman. Unfortunately I am pained by a perpetual paradox: emotionally I want one really great girlfriend who really loves me and I love her, but it seems the only way to obtain that is to sleep with lots of women and increase my perceived value and self-confidence. I've got such a long ways to go but thankfully I know I'm not alone in this journey. I've always got Style's The Game to remind me that others in my class of men have also walked this path.

As Good As It Gets

The hot young secretary at the publishing agency is shaking in her boots as Melvin (Jack Nicholson) is in her presence. She loves the idea of a man who knows women's minds and hearts. This reminds me that women (and men) are really like computers running code and, as such, can both be cracked. I suppose the optimal way to get a woman to really like you a lot is to figure out this code and put her into such a state. I think this is where NLP and Speed Seduction might actually be useful.

The best line of the movie comes immediately after Melvin talks with this girl:
HB: How do you write women so well?
Melvin: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

Pure hilarity.

Anyway, my course is clear: study women and understand them well. Then once I crack the code, I can become a master seducer and score with any woman I want. One less chump going around and whole lot more satisfied women.

I'm Afraid that I'm still Afraid

I still have a ways to go to get over my one-itis and to conquer my fear of women. I opened up one pretty damn cute 25 year-old in the Caribbean who was a nanny for another family. We had a good conversation for a bit but as always I started running out of conversation material and, given the excessive amounts of alcohol I had consumed, I had difficulties remembering any patterns from ASF as they are not internalized. It was still fun talking to someone who's not in my family, though. I got two IOIs from her early on, but after an hour she mentioned her boyfriend and I gave up at that point.

I've had a few examples over the past couple of months where I just gave up during a conversation because I was scared of rejection. For instance, I had a great talk with this really cute 20 year-old in Seattle not two weeks ago. After a ten minute chat with her, my instincts were begging me to number close her, but I didn't because I'm still an AFC. She had opened me up and I still didn't get her number. How lame am I? I'm not sure if she lost interest in me during conversation because I was nervous or the subject matter began to bore her, but I know I should have at least tried for her number because, truth be told, I still have not ever asked for a girl's number since joining the community. I always come up with a damn excuse why I shouldn't: in a few minutes, she has a boyfriend, I don't think she's interested, etc. Dammit VW, just fucking ask for her number. What have you got to lose?

I still need to get laid pretty badly. My one-itis flared up when I was in the Caribbean because of my failure with the HB-8. It seems every time I fail with a new girl, I always resort to my one-itis as the root of my failure. Worse of course, as the Naked Eyes say, there is always something there to remind me of her.

Yup, I still have a ways to go of accepting myself and loving myself. But I'm not giving up!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Time Sarging in the Caribbean

VW is heading to the Caribbean for Christmas with his family. This should be a good time to get in some real sarging on my own with a really nice fat target-rich environment. I'm just sure there are going to be hundreds of girls bored with their families who are seeking an escape.

The holidays can be a very lonely time for many people, and I understand why the suicide rate can get so high. People are seeing couples everywhere celebrating the holidays and as you get older, it hurts to celebrate these alone. I can't remember having a full Christmas with a girlfriend, as I remember breaking up with an old girlfriend right around that time of the year, and all other girlfriends only lasted a maximum of six months.

In other news, I slept in my roommate's bed the other night, not due to some sexual activity, but because I fell asleep while giving her a massage. She's taken, but it felt quite nice to sleep with another warm human next to you. Seattle is a cold and rainy place in the winter, and the sorrows of singlehood make it so much worse. Why is it such a pain to be single nowadays? In college it seemed few people were in long-term relationships, but now it seems if you're not, you're not in "the club."

Oh well, my goals are still aligned: get my score to six by May 1. Onward!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Pickup Movie: The Tao of Steve

I've decided to start reviewing some of the great films of pickup and analyzing their strategies. I've seen many of these before but never as an RAFC. This review is based upon a modern enjoyable, The Tao of Steve, featuring Donal Logue.

The basic strategies of pickup listed in the Tao are as follows:
  1. Remove your Desire
  2. Be Excellent in Her Presence
  3. Retreat ("We pursue that which retreats from us")
You are supposed to first hang out with a girl without thinking about getting laid. This is actually pretty easy to do, but it's not fully understandable in the movie. You can't just completely remove desire to get laid because if you really don't want to get laid, you won't be playful with anyone or seek company. This rule does map to one of the rules of ASF, which is to not supplicate your target. If you buy a girl drinks, take her to a super expensive restaurant, or give her a big massage early on in the game, you're supplicating her: you're trying to win her over by getting her things. This has an opposite effect of her psychologically wanting you less.

Being excellent in her presence is equivalent to the principle of demonstrating high value, but not by bragging (as outlined by numerous pickup artists from Mystery to David DeAngelo). Bragging has the opposite effect of not impressing her, but demonstrating high value indirectly works wonders. For instance, you can tell stories of your adventures around the world and things you did in the story. This is better than simply saying "I'm an awesome person" because you can inject all sorts of sensory-enhanced words that get her juices going (think Ross Jeffries). Mystery and Style demonstrate high value by performing tricks on the fly in front of women. At the same time, the movie mentions you can't be excellent at everything in front of a girl, like camping or computer programming. You can't be talking with a girl and whip out a laptop to show her how good your computer jockey skills are.

Retreating is a related to the cat string theory. You give a girl a taste of what you have, but you fall back once she gets a little bit. If she's interested in you, and you retreat, she will want to pursue you until she gets you or gets bored. Dex makes a good point by saying that if you're an affectionate little puppy, you'll bore the girl and with girls, boredom equals death. This has been verified by hundreds of thousands of pickups across time.

The film is a decent story of pickup, and the movie doesn't pretend to proclaim much else. It was the first story of pickup I saw (way back as an AFC in 2000), and I bought the DVD immediately thereafter.

The story does relate one fundamental rule of the pickup game that has been repeated again and again by countless PUAs:
The Tao of Steve isn't about picking up lots of women. It's about being the best person you can be.
This has been retold time and time again: the goal of pickup isn't just about sleeping with women; it's about bringing out what's best about you and being proud of who you are. It's about feeling accepted by others and loving yourself. This is the real goal, and that is what I aim for. It is this which drives me and not my libido. This is why I truly believe pickup is necessary for success in my life.


I've been monitoring my growing collection of pickup material, and it's starting to get scary. Over a half dozen books on pickup, seduction, persuasion, and then dozens of eBooks on the subjects by some of the best pickup artists in the world (Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo, Mystery). Let's also not forget the thousands of pages of postings online.

I have a feeling I'm going to put all of this into a vault some day and hand it to my future sons (or at least teach them the ways of the force). Why wasn't any of this material taught to us in high school? I would be so much further ahead in the world of dating had I known this all earlier. Then again, I got pretty far as an AFC because I had nothing (read: no one) holding me back geographically. Perhaps this is the exact perfect timing for VW to become one of the best pickup artists in Seattle?

Don't Drink and Sarge

Building up muscles: good. I've got to stick with this lifting routine because it's slowly building my perceived value.

Drinking too much and sarging: bad. I was at this predominantly Polish-speaking party last night, bored to tears, and so I started drinking pretty stiff rum and cokes. After an hour of dancing, I was in the line for the bathroom when an American HB-7 passes me. She just turned on the lights in the hallway so I say "party foul!" and she laughs and kinos my arm. She goes to the bathroom and returns, saying "I was in the VIP bathroom" as she passes. She stops, turns to me, and asks what my name is (IOI). I strike up a conversation with her and have a pretty solid topic to share, but because I had been drinking a lot, I didn't run any basic Mystery methods like demonstrating high value or qualifying the target. Until this stuff is internalized, you've got to avoid the sauce!

I also committed one major mistake. During conversation I mentioned how much I loved this country, and half way through this sentence I knew I had just gambled majorly. If she liked America, I would be golden; if she didn't, I'd be stuck in a political debate. One of the major rules of pickup is to never talk about politics or religion or anything that's highly debatable. I spent the next few minutes explaining why I find America to be such a great country (I should have a canned response to this one in case I have this scenario again). Fortunately I was able to use my defense to segue to the topic of travel, which I can discuss ad nauseam.

The chat lasted a good ten minutes and I felt the urge to number close, even though I hadn't performed the right patterns. What the hell, I figured, and the party was closing off soon. BUT--another bozo move--I left my cell phone in my jacket, which I left in a pile at the front door. To get her number I would need to leave the target or bring her with me. While I was deciding on how to do this, her brother showed up. He seemed like a complete idiot, but I was able to disarm him. Then as he walked away, this other fool showed up and turned her away from me. I walked away and hoped she would seek me out again when I was nearby, but she did not. This is a non-IOI so I figured it was over. Maybe she was just very flirtatious?

Lessons to learn: don't drink when you're sarging, keep your phone nearby or a pen & paper, and never ever discuss politics or religion! I knew these rules of engagement but violated them, and I missed the number as a result.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Light Reading

I'm going away from the holidays so as a PUA in training, I decided to bring along some "light" reading for the trip:

I'm bringing along a notebook to keep track of all these factoids I'm picking up along the way. I'm hoping to have a full workbook of study with reminders, cheat notes, practice routines, etc., that I can quickly reference and some day pass to my own son.

A part of me is really excited for 2006 because I know it will make me a much more confident and happier man. Like Style said, I feel my involvement with women is my most fundamental failure: I love women, I love sex, but I never figured out how to get it. Even when I did find girls I liked a lot, I always managed to throw out some sort of self-defense mechanism (i.e. acting crazy around them to scare them away). Unfortunately, the other part of me wanting instant gratification is whining that I have to go through all this training to get there. Almost every other aspect of my life is completely awesome except for that one area: women.

Thank God I've got the community to help me figure it out. Let's see how well I do by May 1st.

Post Mortem: My Catalyst

I have been thinking about my failure with my catalyst, the one who started it all for me by infecting me with the horrible disease known as one-itis. The positive of this perfect failure was that I got into the game and the community, and I'm dedicating my entire next six months to pure gaming. The negative of this failure was that I lost one girl who I truly think beats out all of my previous girlfriends in terms of how she compared against my checklist of the ideal girlfriend.

I started out communication with her through e-mail (I was set up through a relative of hers). I used words to demonstrate high value without really knowing it; all I did was talk about my travels and this completely enchanted her. I met her at a baseball game with her relative (for comfort) but the moment I saw her, I was floored by her beautiful blue eyes. They literally stopped time for me, which has never happened before. I was completely nervous with her, but by chance she contacted me afterward and asked for my phone number. I was still confused as to whether she wanted to date or just hang out (it turns out they are the same).

We ended up going to a movie together and had a really great time, but I violated one of the rules of pickup: supplication. I bought the tickets and the dinner (even though it was just cheap pizza). I was completely nervous at dinner and have no idea how our conversation completed. The movie was a lot of fun and I was really just being my normal funny self. During the film she commented how funny we both were together, and immediately I had an urge to grab her hand, but as an AFC I resisted. In hindsight this was a major IOI and I should have jumped on this opportunity.

When I dropped her off, I was super nervous as she asked me what I wanted to do. She asked me to kiss her and I did, and that was it. I was so completely shocked that this amazing girl asked me to kiss her that I was stunned in AFCness.

E-mail communication immediately afterward was great, but by the time the second date came around, she was treating me like absolute crap. I don't know what happened between date 1 and date 2, but date 2 was a miserable experience. It was a double-date with her relative and his wife, so I was forced to oblige, and again I supplicated by buying dinner and her tickets. I had sealed the deal in her books, and the game was over.

I didn't really care for her much as a prospect, but I did find her an interesting friend, so I kept up communication. Then when hanging out with her as a friend, I started really developing feelings for her, which led to my real one-itis. The day after we really started having great times together without trying too hard, she met her new boyfriend and I haven't seen her since.

So that's my story. It's the story of the girl who started me down the path of the game, and I have become a better man ever since. While I may never win her back (I could... in a few months), I will at least have the skills to win the next amazing girl that crosses my path. I'm hoping right now to use the rules of pickup (if you make a girl jealous, she will become attracted to you; lead the men and the women will follow; be the alpha male) to win her back sometime around April. I don't know if I will, but hell it's worth a shot. In the meantime, I'm gaming hardcore and I'm going to cure this one-itis if it kills me. I think by the time I'm a PUA, I probably won't want to date her anymore anyway!

I wish I could have won her over as I was, but at the same time if I hadn't lost her I wouldn't have started into this whole world of self-improvement. Perhaps it was for the best?

Let's just hope she never stumbles upon this blog and reads my thoughts.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


2006 is going to be the year when VW gets REALLY laid. Physical goals for the New Year:
  • Fixed jaw (my temporomandibular joint gives me a malocclusion that makes me look like I have a collapsed chin) -- this will be corrected with an orthotic in neuromuscular dentistry
  • Enhanced nose through rhinoplasty in early January (my current nose is OK but the simulations of my new nose were much more natural-looking)
  • Fantastic body through regular swimming and weightlifting
  • Better skin through facial lotions
More important, though, are my pickup goals for 2006:
  • Lay 4-6 women by May 1, 2006.
  • Have 2-3 girls in the pipe, MLTRs if possible (why not?)
  • Be totally confident around both women and men (lead the men and the women will follow)
  • Deprogram bad learned traits through NLP.
  • Be more attractive overall and exude this attraction.
  • Train myself to be in state most of the time (51% or above would be great)
  • Keep track of my numbers and seriously play THE GAME.
  • Cure my one-itis.
I think these are reasonable, especially now that I've dropped all of my other projects. Onward!

Try Harder!

I've been flirting madly with numerous girls but I still can't get over her. Dammit! What was the purpose of all this? Why did it feel so right, and my instincts were telling me she was perfect for me, yet apparently they were so wrong? It seems every situation we had where there was an opportunity for something amazing, something else came along and interrupted it. Of course she has plowed straight ahead without looking back, yet here I am sulking each day. I'm usually fine by night, but by day I'm miserable as a result.

I have to remember to stay the course and keep fighting. I wasn't ready for a real relationship back then, as I was a total AFC. There was some chemistry between us, but she's got problems as well that need to be resolved. Maybe a few months from now after I've seduced a few more girls, I will be better and can look at it all with a fresh perspective. It's killing me getting there. I just can't believe I felt so strongly about this yet she apparently felt nothing.

Maybe the real problem here is that I don't love myself, and you can't really love someone else until you love yourself. How do I love myself though? I hate myself! I don't want to, but I am just disappointed at how I turned out.

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Game is MENTAL

One of the most important elements of reprogramming is to remember that the game is entirely mental. You can be the most attractive guy on the planet but at the same time have a horrible fear of women internalized into your brain. Conversely, you can be the most hideous SOB to ever walk the earth, but with the right words, you can crack any woman's code. I know I'm an average looking guy but I have this rebounding fear of women, life, and myself.

One thing I am finding common is that I am, in fact, rebounding a lot. I will do really well for one or two nights, but then I slip back into this depressed state where I can't accept the fact that I am making progress. I just keep telling myself that 2006 will be my year, and I must stay the course. Besides, why get so upset over this one girl if all of this amazingly awesome stuff that's coming my way is a result? To top it off, it's not like she's married--she just has a boyfriend! Another lesson you must remember is that all girls are single until they are married. End of story.

Ross Jeffries claims a Voltaire quote, "Give me ten minutes to talk away my ugly face and I will bed the Queen of France." The key point is that all you need to win a woman's heart is your mouth! This is such an amazing yet simple thing to remember, but I am hoping I can capitalize on it. Remember: the woman is like a computer that runs processes, and all you need to do is induce those processes and you're golden!

I am so happy to know that within a few months I should have the ability to seduce most of the women I target, and I may even have 2-3 regular girlfriends or fuck buddies. If that doesn't get me past the one-itis, I don't know what will.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

So Far to Go...

It seems I'm getting better at casual flirtation (primarily, cocky-funny stuff), but no matter how much I advance, I still can't seem to cure this fucking one-itis. I have to intellectually realize that the two major success stories I've had so far (back on the college recruiting trip and in the University District) will certainly not be the only, and I need to keep practicing to continue to refine my skills.

I started into Ross Jeffries' "Secrets of Speed Seduction" and tried it on a non-target last night, but apparently she had never been in those intense states of fascination with someone before so it didn't work! Early failures in this game are tough to deal with, but since I know so many guys who have successfully mastered it, I know I can too.

In the meanwhile, I need to remember that I'm the best thing that could possibly happen to any girl I open -- especially my catalyst. I'm so money and only recently realized it! Once I can internalize how money I am, it shouldn't be very difficult to exude it. Right now I can put on a slightly fake shield of confidence, but I think after some success stories I should be much better off.

2006 will be my year, though. I'm getting my jaw fixed with a neuromuscular orthotic to improve my occlusion (bite), so my permanent headaches and depressed states should go away. I'm getting the nosejob in January to improve my facial appearance. I'm sculpting a new body that girls are starting to realize exists, but I'm thinking another six months of intense lifting should really lead me to some serious success. I'm building out a great life in the University District, and I'll be practicing my skills a lot starting in February. I'll have only 3 months (really) to bed four girls, but I'm sure I can do it. So many others before me have, and I have such a huge advantage over many of them.

I sincerely hope my one-itis is cured by May 1. This is killing me. I know this all happened for a reason, but it feels bad now that she's been fueling my gaming, as I feel there is a part of me that wants to take out all of my anger for losing her onto all future girls I meet. This may only lead me to dislike women even further, especially once I seduce a few girls with boyfriends.

I just wish I could have a chance with her and prove myself. Of course, one must be careful what one wishes for: my last case of one-itis resulted in a 1.5 year-long relationship that was miserable for about 6 months of that. Then again, I was a total AFC back then and a lot different than I am now. I never even considered opening up a set back then!

Back to my plan of action: all of the above stuff, sleep with four girls, and reassess. If it takes an intense amount of jealousy to win my girl, then so be it. Whatever it takes to kiss those sweet lips again and enjoy my time with her. This is all part of a plan, and her role is not yet fully understood.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Sarging Sucks

It really does suck to sarge sometimes. All I really wanted was an awesome girl who is on the same page with me and enjoys my company as much as I enjoy hers; someone you can wake up next to in the morning and say "thank God I found this awesome girl." But no, it doesn't turn out that way for ol' Van Wilder. Rather, I find myself sarging girls with half my IQ and little more going for them than their temporarily attractive figures.

What sucks even more is all of my friends here have girlfriends and boyfriends, so I'm essentially alone in the world of dating. I know this will all get better, especially once I start sarging in the University District out here, but right now it blows. I'm going to have to do a lot of reading and for the new VW, but I suppose that's the cost of finding myself and getting laid. I just wish I were a natural and never had to think about this shit.

The greatest peril I see, however, is what will become of me once I discover how I can get laid relatively easily. My father is a natural, and he cheated on my mother. If I were married some day and were still an AFC, I would never even imagine cheating on my wife. However, if I were a PUA and married some day, and perhaps my wife refused to blow me or lay me, I fear I might see that cute babysitter next door and seduce her. That's right folks, I fear becoming my father. I tried for all of my dating life thus far (all six years of it or so) to be the nice guy who would treat women so well and make myself into the perfect boyfriend. You know what? That doesn't work. It's bullshit--all of it. Girls may say they want a nice boyfriend, but they really want an aggressive alpha who will fuck the hell out of them without asking for permission.

Fortunately, right now, all I have to worry about is curing my one-itis.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Focus on Women

I've discovered that this alpha male shit works really well in my life, but again I find myself scared around women. Why do I fear women so much? It's tearing me apart. I don't even think it's fear of rejection; I think it's fear of finding one, liking her, and losing her, which has been a common theme in my life, starting with my mother dying when I was 16. It will take a lot of inner gaming to fix this problem. The road ahead is long and painful, but I must walk it.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Field Report: Indy Massage Maneuver

I mentioned the massage story on my former post two days ago so I wanted to give credit where credit is due. My wingman, Indy, told me this maneuver and I found it to be strikingly effective on this girl. I didn't close the deal, but I got further than I ever imagined. The key is to remember to be the alpha male.

So if the girl is at your place, you need to isolate her somehow. Get her to your room with a friendly gesture: "Come here, I need to show you something." Lead her to your room and make sure you have no chairs. Sit on the bed with her (at opposite ends of the bed so she's comfortable) and pull out whatever it is you're showing her (could be a laptop with a photo routine ready to roll). She'll be forced to come over to you to see the laptop at this point. Start showing her this photo routine or whatever you're showing to her and build value this way.

During your routine, start pretending your neck or shoulder is hurting and tell her to rub it. "My shoulder is really sore. Here, rub it..." She should start doing it if youre assertive. After a minute or so, say "no no, you're doing it all wrong. Turn away from me." Then show her how it's done. Start on her shoulders and neck and make it feel good. (learn how to massage correctly) Keep a conversation going; maybe tell her how you learned how to massage.

After a minute or two, she should be relaxed. Order her to lay down on the bed so you can do a full massage. Again, be the alpha male: don't ask for permission, just tell her to do it. If your frame is that she should get down on her stomach, she should submit to it. Straddle her at this point and start the massage. Work her shoulders, back, etc., but keep her talking and comfortable. One of the things your average masseuse does to keep you comfortable is chat you up during the massage; do the same here. If anything, she might be reminded of her last massage and it should feel normal to her.

After a few minutes of conversation and massage, tell her to take her shirt off so you can get deeper. "Eh your shirt is making this more difficult. Take it off." She should go ahead, but if she says no, get off her and go back to your laptop. Don't say anything. This is the freeze out. She should want you to keep massaging her but will now have to get your attention again. Refuse to massage her again unless she takes her shirt off.

Get on her again if you need to and start the massage. Keep the conversation going. Work your way down towards her butt and start working her legs. Do this for a few minutes and tell her you to take off her pants. If she's comfortable with what you're doing, she should be OK with it. If she refuses, do the same routine as before.

Now that her pants are off and you're straddling her, start rubbing her legs (one hand on each side of one leg), starting around the knee and moving up towards her crotch. Do this in waves, and in each wave move one inch closer to her pathway to heaven. After a few waves you should be rubbing her right around her special area and you should be able to feel some wetness if she is aroused (which she should be). At this point you're essentially at 2nd base, so you've got to make the alpha male move at this point.

What I would recommend doing (especially if she's giving some IOIs) is simply flip her around at this point and start kissing her body (tits, etc.), or hell even start going down on her. Kissing her may be an option but if she doesn't mind you kissing her tits and playing with her, you don't even need to kiss her. At this point, you're golden so take it as you need to. If she's slutty enough, she'll let you bang her right there.

I've only tried this once, but it was a hell of a ride and I want to try it again. My goal is to go down on a girl or even fuck her without kissing her once. Can I do it? Stay posted.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Next Book

Since I've finished the game, I want to stay away from hardcore seduction briefly and focus on overall human strategies for getting people to like me more, both as friends and romantically. A friend of mine recommended I read Get Anyone To Do Anything, and I started it tonight. I like the information they give in the book, but even though I'm only 15 pages into it, a lot of the strategies of pickup are listed here in higher level descriptions. I'm even penciling equivalents from the ASF world into the book as I discover them.

For instance, one strategy says:
We find others more attractive at those times when we feel less confident about ourselves. Approaching her when she feels self-conscious will make you appear more attractive.
The book recommends that you are at an advantage when you know she is feeling less attractive; PUAs force women to feel less attractive when they neg hit them! Hell I should start neg hitting every girl I meet.

One additional strategy I didn't think about was gazing into her eyes. From now on, I am going to stare directly into each girl's eyes, not in a scary stalker way, but simply holding eye contact throughout a conversation and without looking away. I found myself doing this recently with one girl who had amazing blue eyes. I don't know if she was attracted to me, but staring at those blue eyes melted me. I know I have great eyes, too, so I am going to exploit this. I think I'll try this on the Polish girl again when I see her, since spoken communication is futile right now.



I've been thinking about the HB-7 and what I did wrong. I believe that routines don't work on internationals who don't speak English very well, so I think I should use that to my advantage. Rather than relying on witty banter, perhaps I should rely on kino and slapstick humor. Little tricks like making coins disappear or showing her photos and using basic hand gestures to convey emotion, building value by her seeing the pictures in it. I shall have to remember this.

Although I'm still thrilled after having massaged the HB in her thong last night, my one-itis is again creeping up on me. I've never had it this bad, and that includes all my previous girlfriends. How could it get so bad? I think because, after having spent some time with her outside of the relationship context, this girl floored me by our commonalities. Style wrote that scientists studying pheremones found that attraction is formed between two people who have things in common. This is why all of my previous relationships had failed so miserably: I had nothing in common with most of them, even my first.

A part of me is angry because I truly do think there is potential there, but another part of me is happy that I'm not in an LTR right now because I truly do need to study pickup and become good at it. In each of my previous relationships, I always felt nervous because I was so happy to find a cool attractive girl that I feared losing her. I never thought I could get another one! And if I did not go down the path of PUA and become confident in my abilities to select the women I want, this trend would repeat itself forever. Knowing that I can go out tonight and most likely get laid is an incredibly powerful weapon to use against a woman in an LTR, for if she is in the monogamous mindset, she will not want any other woman taking her man. Jealousy, as Style also mentions, will make a woman attracted to you.

I ask myself this question: would I rather somehow magically get my one-itis girl, or would I prefer to have to undergo the countless hours of studying and practicing that are required to become a PUA? My heart (and the AFC inside) wants to get the girl, but my brain wants to build the confidence of pickup as well as the mentality that I am an awesome guy with an awesome job who has an awesome life.

In truth, of course, it is possible to have both. Remember Style quoting Mystery, who said that any single woman (and even married women, too) is always on the lookout for a partner who can improve her lifestyle and better provide for and protect her offspring. I find this true, as so many women will easily cheat on their boyfriends to have a night of passion and romance with some great man. They don't do it to be evil, but they want excitement and adventure that the man can provide. So even if my one-itis is entrenched in an LTR six months from now, and I can demonstrate to her that I am a very desirable guy with such an awesome life style, she should internally feel the urge to jump ship.

I'm not going to count on it, but my instincts are telling me this all happened for a reason. Her having an LTR is fueling my pickup studies, and even if I never get her (assuming I want her), I'll be such a better man for having done the training. The goal here is to make my life awesome and make people want to have my life. Pickup will facilitate all of this, just like it did for Style. Ultimately, I truly believe that a choice will come to me whether I want to have her back.

Young European Women Have Great Asses

My roommate (HB-8) brings over her friend, a Polish HB-7 with the body of an HB-9. They try to get my attention, but as a non-AFC I don't fall for it. My roommate even jokes that I'm not paying attention to them. I throw out a few jokes but keep quiet overall: cat string theory works well. One thing I'm learning is to act upon a line I saw John Travolta say in Be Cool: someone asks him what did he say to this person, and he says "as little as I have to." Naturally I speak a lot, or at least I used to speak a lot to get attention. However, the older I get, and the better I get at the game, the less I want to blab as much as I once did. Perhaps this means I am getting more confident?

As per my title, let's get back to my post here. So I wake up from a nap and check out my roommate's bed: she's doing a photo shoot with the Polish HB, aged 19 years, who is wearing nothing but a cloth and a thong. My roommate asks me to strip to my underwear and get on the bed next to her for a photo shoot, so I oblige (why not?). After a few minutes she leaves and turns the lights off, so I'm alone with this girl. I think she's a bit nervous so I order her to get onto her stomach (remember: be the alpha male). I start into a long massage of her, rubbing her all the way from her neck down to her feet and back, concentrating (of course) on her ass. Damn those young Europeans have such nice and petite bodies.

Unfortunately I had bad breath (wasn't planning on this) so I felt insecure about kissing her, plus I wasn't sure what IOIs to look for. I was getting awfully close to her, even to the point of lying on her back directly, fully erect of course. She even asked "are you horny? Is that the word?" I think at this point I had lost the alpha male edge, but I kept going at it. Then she massaged me and I tickled her. So, I resorted to AFC behavior since I was uncomfortable with my roommate in the next room, but I had a great time.

One lesson I learned is that sarging internationally early on is difficult. Jokes don't work as well and routines are almost worthless (except cocky/funny and kino). Anything that requires a strong understanding of the English language is tough on those who don't speak it fluently.

The main lesson to learn: be the alpha male. Order a girl to get on her stomach. Don't have any sign of hesitation, and keep pushing as long as she doesn't refuse you. Remember Style's words: the girl chooses you, but you give her the sales pitch.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

To win the game was to leave it.

I just finished The Game, and I'm so happy to have read it. I understand now that I am not trying to convert myself into a robotic clone of other PUAs, but I am trying to build up the confidence to bring out the best in me. I am very much like Style: I have a good job, a good lifestyle, and good friends, but I simply lack some social skills vis-a-vis women. Perhaps it's because my mom died when I was just a teenager that made me fear women because I didn't want to lose them. Perhaps it's because my dad never taught me anything about women except to marry one that was ten years younger than I. Perhaps it's because I had been in all-male education until college. Whatever the reason, I need to get these skills and play the game. Once I am done playing, I will be the same person, but with a refined social ability. Style even says he couldn't have picked up the girl he wanted unless he had joined the community, even though she liked him for all he had besides pickup. The best page of the book is 434 where he summarizes this:
"Everything I like about you, and everything that makes me think you're rad, is all the stuff you already had before you met those PUA guys. I would have liked you before all that self-improvement shit. I want you to be just Neil: balding, nerdy, glasses, and all."

Maybe she was right. Perhaps she would have liked the real me. But she never would have had the opportunity to meet him if I hadn't spent the last two years learning how to put my best foot forward. Without all that training, I never would have had the confidence to talk to and handle a girl like Lisa, who was a constant challenge.

I needed Mystery, Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo, David X, Juggler, Steve P., Rasputin, and all those other pseudonyms. I needed them to discover what was me to begin with. And now that I had found that person, brought him out of his shell, and learned to accept him, perhaps I had outgrown them.
Then there is a fundamental lesson to learn that I was taught recently by a natural friend of mine, confirmed here in The Game:
If there was anything I'd learned, it's that the man never chooses the woman. All he can do is give her an opportunity to choose him.
Thanks for the advice, Style. Wish me luck finding that one great girl and, more importantly, my true self.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Style, pg 359

I thought having things in common with someone led to chemistry!
Scientists studying pheromones claim that when two people discover they have things in common, pheromones are released and attraction begins.
This explains why in previous relationships, no matter how much fun they were for a while, would always end because I simply did not have enough in common with the girls.

New Year's Resolution

Well, the verdict is in: my primary goal for 2006 is to become one of the best pickup artists in Seattle. I find this mission necessary for success in my life, and now that I have no other projects consuming my time, I can focus 100% on pickup.

2006 should be a great year!