Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Sunday, December 11, 2005

So Far to Go...

It seems I'm getting better at casual flirtation (primarily, cocky-funny stuff), but no matter how much I advance, I still can't seem to cure this fucking one-itis. I have to intellectually realize that the two major success stories I've had so far (back on the college recruiting trip and in the University District) will certainly not be the only, and I need to keep practicing to continue to refine my skills.

I started into Ross Jeffries' "Secrets of Speed Seduction" and tried it on a non-target last night, but apparently she had never been in those intense states of fascination with someone before so it didn't work! Early failures in this game are tough to deal with, but since I know so many guys who have successfully mastered it, I know I can too.

In the meanwhile, I need to remember that I'm the best thing that could possibly happen to any girl I open -- especially my catalyst. I'm so money and only recently realized it! Once I can internalize how money I am, it shouldn't be very difficult to exude it. Right now I can put on a slightly fake shield of confidence, but I think after some success stories I should be much better off.

2006 will be my year, though. I'm getting my jaw fixed with a neuromuscular orthotic to improve my occlusion (bite), so my permanent headaches and depressed states should go away. I'm getting the nosejob in January to improve my facial appearance. I'm sculpting a new body that girls are starting to realize exists, but I'm thinking another six months of intense lifting should really lead me to some serious success. I'm building out a great life in the University District, and I'll be practicing my skills a lot starting in February. I'll have only 3 months (really) to bed four girls, but I'm sure I can do it. So many others before me have, and I have such a huge advantage over many of them.

I sincerely hope my one-itis is cured by May 1. This is killing me. I know this all happened for a reason, but it feels bad now that she's been fueling my gaming, as I feel there is a part of me that wants to take out all of my anger for losing her onto all future girls I meet. This may only lead me to dislike women even further, especially once I seduce a few girls with boyfriends.

I just wish I could have a chance with her and prove myself. Of course, one must be careful what one wishes for: my last case of one-itis resulted in a 1.5 year-long relationship that was miserable for about 6 months of that. Then again, I was a total AFC back then and a lot different than I am now. I never even considered opening up a set back then!

Back to my plan of action: all of the above stuff, sleep with four girls, and reassess. If it takes an intense amount of jealousy to win my girl, then so be it. Whatever it takes to kiss those sweet lips again and enjoy my time with her. This is all part of a plan, and her role is not yet fully understood.


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