Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Monday, October 31, 2005


Indy and I were talking last night about the game. He was warning me of a few players who ultimately got so addicted to the game that they started failing out of school, doing poorly at work, etc. because all they could think of was improving their game. I'm only a level 1-RAFC so I am not worried right now, but I can understand how people can become addicted. I was in a meeting today at work and all I could think about was Indy's comments on addiction and how the game can eat you up. I want this to happen to me, but I want to be able to control it. I want the ability to lay five different women each week, but then I want to use it to find myself an awesome girlfriend. I'm doing this for the good of myself and for the good of the women I see. It is, however, quite powerful. If you aren't careful, it might consume you like the dark side of the force consumed Vader.

I mentioned I'm a level 1-RAFC. I don't know if anyone has defined levels of players, but I am going to consider every AFC a level 0. Anyone who is introduced to the community and wishes to go down the path of PUA is immediately a level 1 RAFC. Level 2 RAFC is your first successful night of collecting phone numbers. Level 3 RAFC is your first successful hookup based entirely upon your patterns. The rest of the levels up to RPUA (Rising PUA) will be defined as I get there.



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