Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Last Night (again)

I was exaggerating how good I was doing last night. The girl wasn't essentially saying "let's go fuck," but she was most definitely very interested in me. I started into kino with her very quickly (the first second I saw Indiana doing his kino on the obstacle) and she was digging it. I was stroking her arms and saying how smooth her skin was and how it looked Portuguese or Brazilian, and she kept touching my pecks. Someone interrupted our conversation so of course, like the upcoming PUA I am, I took off and went to talk to someone else. When I came back she said "hey where did you go???" So I started talking with her more and then she disappeared literally and didn't return. For the post mortem, I should have gotten her phone number and taken off, but I failed unfortunately.

Discussing this one girl too much is a sign of one-itis, but I'm still mad excited how well it worked.


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