Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Monday, July 17, 2006

Ah, Kirkland Summerfest

Yesterday I was playing some day game with a few guys from the lair. I was trying to get some new guys to enter sets running direct game, but none of them seemed to want to do it. Eventually I gave up and started hunting myself. I amped up my alpha male walk and told Awesome to stay 15 feet behind me in my wake. After one lap around the waterfront, I had AIs from all sorts of girls, including a seated 3-set of Kirkland girls who literally locked onto my body as I strolled by. Fingers joined Awesome behind me as I passed a super cute blonde with blue eyes (my preferred target), who immediately gave me an AI. I turned around to open her direct when Fingers starts talking to her! I amped up her BT and Fingers rides in on my wake! Grrrr. I heard from him half an hour later and he said she had a boyfriend, and he didn't use any boyfriend destroyer pattern (or my favorite: ignore the boyfriend entirely).

I dropped the atomic bomb of direct game on a girl on the way home, who lit up like a Christmas tree. This restored my confidence since I hadn't had success with direct recently in Seattle, but all of a sudden my memories of HB-Elizabeth Hurley, HB-Spanish, and HB-Twins from San Francisco returned to me. It was on! We chatted for a few minutes, I instadated her to a nearby coffee shop, and I ran the "I Like" game to actively probe for her interests. I mentioned how I like fried chicken and she said "OMG I love fried chicken!" I launched some improvised story about how when I was younger my dad would always take us to this great fried chicken place on the long road trip from DC to Richmond to visit his mother and his childhood home. I said how the aromas of fresh fried chicken and country gravy always reminded me of those youthful roadtrips and fond memories with my late grandmother, and how each time I have really good fried chicken I feel I am on my way home again (on the east coast).

I was actually making this up on the spot because I hadn't studied my Day2 routines yet, but she seemed to enjoy it. So I'm meeting up with her at Ezzels, the best fried chicken in Seattle.

Bottom line: confidence is restored in the power of day game. As an additional bonus, I happened upon a chiropractor who informed me that my headaches are most likely being caused by years of bad posture on a computer. I told him how recently it was slightly better (thanks to consciously using the alpha male walk and stance as much as possible), but my neck was still super sore and my head permanently hurts. I signed up for chiropractic care (thankfully my company's health insurance plan is awesome and covers it all), and I'm going to receive massage therapy twice a week for two or three weeks to relieve the pressure.

Who would have thought day game would have led to so much goodness?

I hadn't run any real game in a few weeks due to various collisions of interests, but my wing Tarzan is back and my weekend is completely clear, so stay tuned for FRs from the field. Tarzan was down in San Francisco rolling with Mango and Positive two weekends ago and he closed 9 girls in one day alone. Clearly, the bar has been raised. The game is on!


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