Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Friday, July 07, 2006

Pangs for Daygame

Ugg, daygame is starting to eat away at me. I'm unable to run day game this weekend because of motorcycle safety (new identity for VW: rider, to add to the stack of photographer, capoeirista, and traveler). Tarzan is down in SF this weekend rolling with Mango and Positive, which leaves me without a strong wing anyway. But Tarzan's reports streaming back of major success in only a few hours (7 closes today alone -- before the night games begin!) gives me renewed confidence in myself and my loyal wing.

I amended my goals for the next six months:
  1. 2 MLTRs (preferably one HB-Blonde, one HB-Brazilian)
  2. 1 18-21 yo FB, 1 cougar FB
  3. Be one of the top three PUAs in Seattle.
I love this game. Alright, enough KJ for the night, I'm off to watch Narnia.


  • At 5:15 PM, Blogger M said…

    Continue to plug away and success will be yours. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to quit all of this. So many times I was just out there moving slowly in time and space, and then sure enough, success started to come.

    It's great to have goals like MLTRS, FBs, etc. but when you go out with the intention of meeting someone for that specific purpose, your intentions become impure.

    Go out to meet people and socialize, allow the conversations and interactions to flow naturally. You'll soon see that you can't control the energy so much as direct it.

  • At 3:19 AM, Blogger Van Wilder said…

    Good point, I keep setting lofty goals for myself when I should just be out having fun. :P

    I have a strong suspicion that major success is right around the corner. It's so close I can taste it!


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