Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Weekend Sarging Day 1 Results

Major failure to launch today. Tarzan and I meet up around 10:30, head to the local coffee shop, and prepare for the day's activities. We run through our rapport games and head out to QFC to run game at U. Village. I spot a cute 2-set and get an AI from the target, but for some reason I feel I am too tired to open so I skip her. I see another cute lone wolf (would be an amazing lay) but again AFC out. I'm feeling super tired so I grab a second cup of coffee. I banter with a few people and am chatty, but this sleepiness is killing me.

Tarzan opens a cute SHB9 with banter and seems to be having a good talk with her, and I pass by to watch her BL. She smacks him on the arm (always a good sign). Eventually we see her in the checkout lane and he re-opens. I stand behind him where HBCougar shows up with beautiful blue eyes. I ask her what she's carrying in her hand (some sort of salad) and she responds positively. We vibe on her times in Ireland and I am trying to decide whether to go direct on her (you know you have incredibly beautiful eyes!). She goes ahead in line when her chance comes up, while I'm still stuck with Tarzan. As she walks away she turns back and waves. Amazing body on this one, and I'd love to have myself a cougar. I guess next time I should just go direct and see where it takes me. Lesson learned.

We venue change to Sephora and I have a hired gun put just a tad of make up on me to bring out my blue eyes. I like her a lot but have personal problems with gaming a hired gun. She's laughing and all but I feel bad going to major rapport. Oh well, I'm chatty after her and feeling in state. We venue change around U. Village but it's overall empty. Where is everybody?

We leave to the Seattle Center for Bite of Seattle. I'm doing the PU101 alpha male walk and get major AIs from girls, including a girl who doubletakes me while holding her boyfriend's hand. It's amazing how powerful that walk is. I go to a hired gun and start chatting her up, ask her what her story is, try to get to know her better. I'm enjoying my conversation and she's hot, but again I'm not feeling confident enough to #close her or anything. She has a BF but would make a cool friend ("you're cool, you can help me pick up chicks"), but again I'm just not feeling it. Something's wrong.

I see a super cute blonde with her mom and some AFC guy and approach, for she's wearing a pirate's hat. I ask where she got it and she offers it, then her mom pulls it back and makes me sing the "ABC's". I comply and get myself a new pirate hat. She is SUPER cute but I don't know how to close her. I mean I can't just shift to direct, can I? It's alright, my confidence is restored because I'm having fun (although crazy tired).

It's insanely hot and the Seattle Center is packed with people, so we leave to Queen Anne. We try to take a short nap in a park but the heat stifles us. Shit! We call it a day and hope for more success tomorrow.

As with all experiences in the game, there are some lessons to learn:
  1. Get enough sleep! Being a sleepy PUA isn't going to help you.
  2. Go direct on a girl as soon as possible. We AFC'd out and the day blew.
  3. Walk the alpha male walk and stance. It feels cool and you get AIs all the time.
  4. I love talking to blondes (especially with blue eyes). I guess I have a thing for them.
  5. Don't give up!
I find I'm at the stage Lance Mason mentions in the "Everything You Know about Women is Wrong" video (in case you can't tell, the theory behind this stuff amazes me almost as much as the actual game). Mason mentions two characters: Andre, the alpha male, and Bob, the beta male. 90% of men are betas by social programming. According to Sperm Wars, women are programmed to sleep with the alpha males but settle with a beta male who would then help raise the children (I refer to a great article called "The Truth about Women" by an unknown poster on Bristol Lair that essentially embodies this principle). The alpha is the sex object while the beta is the provider.

In the game, when you pretend to be Andre, women will assume you're Andre until proven otherwise. For me, I can walk like Andre, I can stand like Andre, and I can open like Andre, but I can't hold the conversation long enough like Andre just yet, and I certainly can't alpha male the hell out of her like Andre yet either. So when girls are giving me AIs and I don't approach, they almost look disappointed. Or when I enter a set and do poorly, the girl again looks disappointed that I'm not Andre. But I'm so glad that I've found the path to becoming Andre, although I still would like to simply be more charismatic too rather than pure alpha. Hell, I'll be both.

The point is that this game is a series of plateaus. You start off with wherever you are, and you start inching your way forward. Once you get to a certain wall, you have to practice something else (kino escalation, deeper rapport, vibing, etc.). I'm still light-years ahead of where I was a year ago, miserably living the life of the AFC without knowing what an AFC was.

It's hot as balls in my apartment right now, which is why I'm here typing at 4:30 AM, but enough KJ for me tonight. I saw a great quote in the Barnes & Noble as I was searching for targets:

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined."

Tomorrow, we game again.


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