Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Let's Get It Started

The time has come. I've been talking a lot about sarging, I've been detailing some of my initial sarges, and I've been postulating the mysteries of myself on this blog for months now. I've also been ranting about the source of my one-itis (unfortunately like the song goes, there is "always something there to remind me" given our social network connections).

Now is the time to get serious in the New Year. I'm finishing up Eric Weber's classic "How To Pick Up Girls" book this week and will write a short review, and then I'm diving straight into thte documentation and media of my first dating guru, David DeAngelo. I've got his eBook on Double Your Dating and I'm also getting his video series on the same subject. I'm in regular contact with people in the Seattle Lair, and I'm also talking to a PUA on the east coast who went from lay-less to five girls/week within six months of practice. I'm also contemplating trying the Mystery Method live seminar in a few months, as well as autosuggestion/NLP with Steve P.

I'm going to start hitting up the gym around eight times/week to bulk up, I am healing from my rhinoplasty (and it looks good), and I should have my new Corvette within a few weeks.

I've got everything I need to get started down this path, and this week is when I begin my intensive training. I will continue to post as I go, although I will keep the minutiae of my notes in my carbon notebook. Wish me luck! There are six girls waiting for me to sleep with them before May 1, so I've got some work to do.


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