Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Saturday, January 14, 2006

CSI: Miami (Episode #84, The Score)

I watched my first episode of CSI this past week with my cousin, who is a huge fan of the show. The episode opened in a club with three men at the top of the stairs staring down upon the women. The middle man said "OK men, pick your targets". At this point I thought that this show might be about pickup, but maybe they were just murderers or something. The two guys with the main guy chose the women they wanted, and they proceed down to talk to them. Student #1 pulls out lint from his pocket and pulls it off the girl's dress, using a classic routine listed in The Game. Then he runs ESP (1-10) on her and proceeds to seduce her. The second student fails with a neg hit on a 7 ("nice hair... those are extensions, right?"), but then he succeeds with another girl using a female opinion question.

Soon afterward student #1 is found dead, and the CSI folks try to find out "who done it." The episode involves a lot of terminology from the community, including "#closes", "neg hit," and bags of lint handed out at seminars. It even refers to student #2 as "The Magician" as his alias, clearly referencing Mystery, although of course Mystery was not a student.

The girl targeted by #1 turns out to be a reporter who was doing research on pickup artists in a vain attempt to protect women from their standard routines. She feels pickup objectifies women and turns men into monsters. I have to disagree: the purpose of pickup isn't to sleep with lots of women, it's to build your self-confidence and get the women you want. She thinks pickup was turning her brother into a machine, but he felt it was making him a better man.

The purpose of my post here is two-fold: to discuss the value of pickup in relation to this story and also to discuss the size of the community's exposure.

For the first point, I again must declare that pickup is not intended to break as many women's hearts as possible, although some men do choose to do this as revenge on the fairer sex for years of abuse. Most guys in the game are really nice men who just want sweet girlfriends, but they have had countless bad experiences in the past and are sick of women treating them with near apathy. Men are plagued by our need for sex as well as companionship, just as much as women really, but we don't advertise that normally. And a large number of men who happened to get off on the wrong foot need help getting back on track. Pickup does this, and it makes confidence-deprived men a lot stronger internally. Like in the Tao of Steve, the purpose of the philosophy isn't to get lots of chicks, but to be the best person you can be. It seems women don't understand that.

The more alarming aspect of this show is how much extra exposure the community gets as a result of being on a popular show. I asked around to see if other PUAs had encountered resistance from women who are aware of the game, but as it turns out, only maybe 1 in 10 have ever heard of the game, and those rare exceptions usually had heard about it second or third hand. There is a difference between reading about a game in an article and undergoing months if not years of training in playing the game. So fortunately, I don't think too many women are aware that there are entire seminars of aspiring pickup artists out there.

Double fortunately for me, most men here in Seattle are wusses when it comes to women anyway, and I've seen first hand that alpha male'ing the shit out of women here works wonders. There is no short line of women who would happily sleep with men here who have some balls. Perhaps it's the rain that makes men so weak in Seattle?

Either way, it's good for me having to train in such a shithole. When my time here is over, I can move on to bigger and better things in cities with more attractive and higher quality women.

I'm excited to start into the game this month because it's something that I need to do. I want to find a solid girlfriend who understands me and treats me well, but I also want to have the confidence knowing I can get almost any girl I choose. Remember that women treat men like stock symbols, and the higher your stock price rises, the more they will want to buy you. It is a shame that I have had to put off my other business projects to study pickup exclusively, but I know that in the long run it will be worth it.

But we shall see. Welcome to 2006, Van Wilder!


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