Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Friday, January 06, 2006


I had a great talk today on IM with a friend of mine from college. I asked him flat out if he was happy, and he flat out responded "nope." Both of us went to a great university, and both of us are going to be very wealthy some day (he already is, considering the size of his trust fund). We're both really smart and have worked really hard to get to where we are today. Yet, despite all these great attributes, we are both completely depressed all of the time because of women. We see girls around us that would make great girlfriends, and we see movies of chumps like ourselves falling for these fantastic women. Yet these stories never happen to us. And each month we grow more and more bitter.

Neither of us wants to be players: we just want to have girls who love us for who we are and would be loyal to us. No matter how hard we try to find these girls, we simply fail to attract them. Then of course we are fucked once we get a lot of money because then the girls will only want us for our money. So, in short, we're screwed.

This is why I am playing the game and entering the community: to attract girls by my actions and words, not by my props and net value. I would be the happiest man on the planet to land a girl and be a total AFC with her, and she would be totally loyal to me in return. I just fear I won't be able to find a relationship like that. My catalyst could have been that girl, but she has fallen for another guy who is actually quite similar to me but, of course, better looking and therefore more confident and holding higher perceived value. Fuck 'em all.


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