Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Juggler and Charisma Arts

The two schools of thought I like the most thus far in the community are Pickup 101 and Charisma Arts. Both emphasize vibing with people and generally being a more charismatic person--the type of person that women (and men) are naturally drawn towards. Have you ever known a guy who just seems to have an aura to him? You can't see it (well maybe you can), but you can feel his energy and you're just glad to be around him? I believe this does exist, although I don't know what the physical reasoning behind it is. Those are the types of guys I want to become. My cousin in Texas is very much like this, and he can naturally vibe with anyone and get almost any girl he wants. In fact, he has offered to let me crash at his mansion in Houston once it is completed if, and only if, I can maintain three girls in my guest house at any given time. So my goal in Seattle is to learn how to build a harem. Thankfully, I will train with those who know how to do just that.

I started into Juggler's eBook, How to Be a Pick Up Artist, and I'm really liking it so far. I'm generally a sociable guy, especially with friends, but I'm shy around people I don't know well, or even if I do open them up, I'm not as good at keeping conversations flowing as I would like. But this will all change. There's a great quotation early on in his eBook that really excites me:
Asked to describe his type of woman, a PUA is hard pressed to come up with an answer. He can spend time with a wide range of women because he knows he is not stuck with anyone. His freedom of choice makes him a more loving and accepting person. His life truly becomes an adventure. He influences others to live happier lives and the world becomes a better place. If there were more pick-up artists, there would be an end to war, dogs would make peace with cats, and Ben Affleck would stop making movies. Every man, woman and Canadian should become a pick-up artist.
That's what I want: I want my life to be a neverending adventure. Most of my life thus far, while enjoyable, seems to have long periods of dry spouts, and if becoming a PUA truly makes my life an adventure and morphs me into the charismatic guy I know I am supposed to be, then I will do whatever it takes to get there!


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