Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Fear of Settling

I realized today when driving home from work that one of my main motivations for studying pickup and seduction is not to sleep with lots of women, but to become the best person I can be. Above all other things, I fear settling for the wrong woman (and her settling for me, the wrong man!). I know plenty of men out there who are getting engaged and married, and I know plenty of girls who are with the wrong guys, but they continue to stay in these pointless relationships because of their emotional attachments even though they may intellectually realize that these mates are not appropriate!

I know I would become victim of this had I not joined the community. I want to know when I pick my bride that she is the best match for me, and I want her to know that I can easily go out and find a younger, hotter, more exciting girl so that she never takes me for granted or regards me with contempt. In all of my previous relationships, I was always so happy to be with a girl that I didn't really care that we weren't good for each other, and I thought that I was just lucky to be with someone attractive. How pathetic was that?

In that respect, I'm increasingly happy that I had one-itis for this girl and was forced to play this game. By the time you see the new Van Wilder on May 1, he's going to be a different man.

If only I could find a way to cure these damn headaches...


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