Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


David D advocates not giving up your power when you meet a new girl (or anyone, really). So if you meet a new girl and say, "You're so beautiful, let me buy you a drink," etc. you've essentially given up your bargaining chip over her. Or if a girl starts whining and complaining, and you succumb to her fits, you again are surrendering your power over her. This is amazing but true, but it's good to hear about it from his research.

For the longest time on this blog I was pining for my catalyst, the one-itis that started it all in me. She became my Helen of Troy. When I see her now, I still get a rush of emotion because of all the negative associations I have with her, but I'm not thinking about her much anymore. Why? Because I analyzed her from a logical point of view: she has no job, no passion, no dedication, no sympathy, and to top it off, she treats me horribly, even as a friend. Compare her with me: I'm dedicated, passionate, gainfully employed, caring, and I treat people as I would like to be treated. In short, she's the loser, and I am the winner. I just feel like a loser because I don't have girls hitting on me all the time. (This will change over the next few months, of course)

It's just amazing how someone of such high value (such as myself) could feel inferior to someone of relatively low value. She's funny and very attractive, and she can be nice, but overall she doesn't have her life together and she's now leeching off her current boyfriend. Hey, that's great: gold-diggers need suckers who will support them. The poor bastard doesn't realize that he's just picked up some dead weight in exchange for sex.

But I am very happy that I started into this whole game because it has begun to change my perspective. I never qualified girls before; I would just be happy that an attractive girl was talking to me. I always would succumb to a girl's fits to appease them, and in general I would do anything it took to make them happy. I didn't realize that what I was doing was living in their realities, not my own. I was letting myself be controlled by an external force. No wonder they never were attracted to me!


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