Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Where did AFCs come from?

After meeting a lot of RAFCs, RPUAs, and PUAs, I'm still wondering where AFCs come from. I was an AFC--still am sometimes--but how is it that so many American men (if not hundreds of millions globally) are completely powerless to women? What happened in our society?

Personally I blame feminism. I think equality under the law is fine, but when feminists started saying we need to treat them like humans and not objects, things started going down the tubes. It wasn't their immediate impact--oh no, it took years and lots of sexual harassment lawsuits to bring down the wall of masculinity. The thing is, as much as women intellectually want to be treated like equals of men, they don't biologically want to be equals. This is why the more of a PUA I become and the more I objectify women, the better I do with them. Who'da thunk?

It does suck, though, because I am a good man at heart. Unfortunately, years of my own internal problems combined with complete apathy by the majority of the female gender has forced me to go down a new path: the path of a pick-up artist.

Great quote from Style in his book:
And then I thought, if I was smart enough to quote James Joyce in the bathtub, why did I feel so stupid in front of these girls?
I like Style a lot, as he reminds me of me. He's a super smart guy that just happens to be horrible with women for some reason. I, too, am pretty damn smart if I don't mind my saying so, yet I have this almost innate fear of women. It's probably just fear of rejection, though, so I know if I sarge enough, it will eventually go away.

One thing's for sure: I'm going to teach my sons to be PUAs. My father never taught me a damn thing, and I'm not going to let it happen to my own sons.


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