Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Background Debate

I'm still asking myself if I will ever be able to become a PUA: will I be able to build my own routines that are a natural extension of myself, or will I even be able to clone the masters? Personally I don't care much for Mystery's magic tricks: it's just not my thing, and I wouldn't feel comfortable toting along a bag full of props with me into a club. Simple tricks like the ESP 1-to-10 guess and making lit cigarettes disappear are cool, but bringing along runes and tarot cards to a bar? Please. It works, yes, but it's not me.

I've been also thinking about what my goals are. I've posted this recently but it's an important debate. Do I want to sleep with a dozen girls per month? Or do I just want to find a solid girlfriend and have the confidence, social value, and sexual abilities to keep her? I'm traveling a lot for the next two months, so perhaps I want to have my first one-night stand sometime soon? Sure! But this also leads me to think that I don't want a serious relationship until I've finished my travels. Then, once I am settled in my new city here, I can start to really play the game.

Back to my goals (once I'm done traveling). Indy and I both agreed that we want to be the guys who walk into any social setting from a coffee shop to a Presidential dining ball and have complete localized attention of our immediate crowds. We want others to be drawn in to our lives simply because we're so enjoyable to talk with and we have so much interesting stuff to say. We want girls to be begging for us to talk to them without even acknowledging them!

The great thing is that this is all possible. The minds of women have been the most difficult enigma of my life, but I'm learning that I don't have to understand how they work, I just have to understand how I can exploit them. Maybe that sounds bad to you, but hell they do the same things to us with their made-up faces, larges breasts, and seductive clothing. From what I've learned in The Art of Seduction, they all want to be seduced and taken away.

Funny quote from The Game: (pg 87)
[after Sasha gets his first e-mail address:]
As anyone who regularly reads newspapers or true-crime books knows, a significant percentage of violent crime, from kidnappings to shooting sprees, is the result of the frustrated sexual impulses and desires of males. By socializing guys like Sasha, Mystery and I were making the world a safer place.
But what's even more disturbing is the quote that comes two paragraphs later. It's something I've been thinking about a lot and I feel I must present his quotation verbatum.
It was then that I realized the downside to this whole venture. A gulf was opening between men and women in my mind. I was beginning to see women solely as measuring instruments to give me feedback on how I was progressing as a pickup artist. They were my crash-test dummies, identifiable only by hair colors and numbers--a blonde 7, a brunette 10. Even when I was having a deep conversation, learning about a woman's dreams and point of view, in my mind I was just ticking off a box in my routine marked rapport. In bonding with men, I was developing an unhealthy attitude toward the opposite sex. And the most troubling thing about this new mindset was that it seemed to be making me more successful with women.

So essentially, by turning women into objects rather than humans, men are more successful with them? Yup! It boils down to my thesis: feminism was a bad idea. Oh, legality under the law is fantastic (including suffrage), but somewhere along the way, culture started teaching us that women were to be treated like queens. Biology, however, disagrees, and the dogs don't like the dogfood. So treat women like objects and you will prevail; treat them like queens and you will be miserable.

An old girlfriend of mine always commented on one of her previous boyfriends (and a good friend of mine): "He's good with women because he doesn't give a fuck." That doesn't mean much by itself--if he didn't give a fuck he would never talk to a woman nor would he get laid. But I suppose that being overly sensitive when first meeting a woman is a huge turnoff. No matter how much feminism denies it, women truly want a strong man (not a baby) who can protect them and their offspring. Being sensitive at the right times is good, but don't be a whining baby.

Mental notes left and right here...


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