Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Monday, November 07, 2005


Indy talked to me today and pointed out a concern of his that I am in agreement with: becoming a PUA is a nasty business, and we don't want to become slores. Many natural womanizers I know are very attractive and smooth with women, and many of these use this to their advantage to sleep with as many women as possible. This is not my goal, nor is it Indy's. We have more respectable goals: we simply want the confidence, charisma, and raw skills to satisfy any woman we want. We want solid girlfriends who make us happy and keep us entertained. We some day want solid wives who will bear our children. And we're already great men, but we think PUA training will help us bring out the best things about us. We want to exude confidence in who we are and what is special about us; we don't want to follow someone else's routines verbatum. In short, we want to be REAL.

That's what it's all about: being real. We want to be able to walk into a room and capture peoples' attention, not through gimmicks or patterns, but through an amplification of ourselves.

I still think, however, that PUA training is necessary to get there. We are aware of how rough it might get once we practice enough (and if we choose to go down that path). Just finish The Game and you'll see how things turn out for Style. Ultimately, however, he finds his match and is satisfied. That's really what I want to do: to find my match. I don't want to settle for anything less than optimal compatibility. And I always want to be having fun. However, what I don't want to do is sit around waiting passively for another awesome girl to come my way. I'd rather take the initiative and find her. Capture her. Seduce her. And make her desire me even more. There's no greater satisfaction than something you fought hard for. If we just sat back and got everything without any work, why get off the couch?


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