Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Monday, November 07, 2005

Starting into "The Game"

I started reading The Game this weekend on my flights. I'm only about 100 pages into it, but damn I love it! The book it chock full of information on the major players of the game like Mystery, and it contains a lot of their strategies summed up in the stories (e.g. the Mystery kiss-close). The book itself is beautifully designed, with gold-colored edges and a built-in bookmark. I'm loving it!

So far I identify myself mostly with Style: a good guy, not unattractive, who never was taught to be an alpha male or to approach women. He asks Mystery "how do you start kissing a girl" because he simply was never told how to do this. It sounds stupid, I know, but I really do agree with him. In my early college days when my floormates were making out with women left and right, I never understood how they went from "hello" to making out on their beds. Of course a lot of this had to do with their physical attractiveness, social value, intrinsic value, and self-confidence. I remember asking a friend of mine just how he would hook up with a girl, and he of course gave the lame response, "You know, you start watching a movie, then you start fooling around, etc." Totally uninformative!

The great thing is that Style, in under a month after his first workshop, is befriended by Mystery and Sin, and he gets the phone number of a Playmate of the Year. How fucking amazing is that? And it really is easy once you start to get a feeling for it. Mystery performs the same routines again and again, but to the targets it looks original of course. That's fine with me!

I've also realized something in talks with Indy: we will soon have a major advantage over literally millions of other men. Even naturals don't understand how we can get with HBs! When I was back at my college on a recruiting trip, some of my "natural" friends were even impressed by my sargings--and these guys can lay almost any girl they want due to their physical attraction. Imagine how much power a true PUA has, and not just with women--all parts of life. This excites me about the game: it will make my life incredibly better in all ways.

But you need to be careful. I've said it before, but the game is like the force: you can use it for good (which many do), but it can consume you as well. It truly is like handing dynamite to children, as Ross Jeffries says in the book.

Some goals I've set for myself:
  • Going to a party out-of-town with a super hot recruiter for another company (competitor of mine) -- my goal is to hook up with her that night so she can report back to my company's recruiter how she hopes to see me again at my school, and my college recruiter (who was roommates with the other girl) will ask for my return on the next recruiting trip
  • Going to Turkey for Thanksgiving -- seduce a beautiful Turkish girl (well, they are all beautiful, so seducing simply a Turkish girl will suffice)
  • Going to Vegas in December -- get some numbers, maybe get a one-night stand? (unlikely--time is running low to perfect my speed seduction skills)
  • Going to Jamaica for Christmas with my family: find myself a hunny for the week I'm down there and seduce her, then use her to escape my family each night
Modest goals, I feel, but I'm going to need to drown myself in ASF material. Onward!


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