Chivalry Lost

Charisma Dealer in Training

Monday, September 26, 2005

Recruiting Trip Home

I was sent by my company back to my college to recruit some bright students for our company. The days were filled with career fairs, but the nights were packed with drinking with old friends and hitting on girls. Did I know I was going to be successful? Nope. This is what happened:

The first night, there was karaoke at one of the local bars. I met up with some friends and we planned a night filled with a few songs. I was happy to be there, but soon the place started getting packed. Perhaps because of my weeks of reading the ASF material, I instinctively started talking to girls everywhere. I would simply walk up and say "hi, my name is *******." That was it. Then I'd think of something to comment about them or ask them a question to keep the conversation going. It didn't always lead to anything, but it was amazing: once I started, I couldn't stop. By the end of the night I had talked with a half dozen girls--yeah, that's about half a dozen more than I ever had before. Usually I just sat in the corner with my friends and consumed massive amounts of beer. But things were different.

The second night: the same bar, and the same thing happened. This time around, I was riding a wave of confidence, however, and I was noticing another phenomenon: girls would look at me and smile as I passed (to which I would instinctly respond "hi there, I'm *******"). It was bizarre: while girls didn't come up to me and start talking to me, they would pass right by me, smile, and I would initiate conversation. There was even a situation after this where a girl a few groups down was talking to some AFC and I saw her look at my direction. Rather than simply look away, I moved right towards her and said hello. Woah! I never did this stuff before. What's happening to me?

There was yet another situation the third night. We were at a bar with only maybe a dozen people inside, including three girls. Two of the girls walked in and sat next to me and my boys (two of which are very good with ladies and score with different women several times per week, without really trying). One of these girls is this beautiful blond, but once she sits down some guy is behind her (apparently they were on a date). The other girl has a guy behind her also, but they aren't talking much and she is looking my way, so I figure she's either just friends or not interested in her guy. I want to break in, but since there are so few people in the bar I let it be. A few minutes later the group goes to play darts, and afterward the hot blond comes back to order a drink by herself. She orders a white Russian, and of course I immediately lay into her with the Big Lebowski references to the white Russian. She doesn't get the references, but I have initiated conversation with her. At this point, as my boys will tell me later, her boy is scared shitless as he's playing darts 15 feet away with the other two. He goes to them and asks something in private while looking at me. A few minutes later he walks up and strolls up behind her, but I don't give a shit. I keep talking to her and him about what they are doing, etc. Eventually I pull out and go back to my boys who want to go out elsewhere. They debrief me afterward as to what was going on, and I'm feeling amazing after they said they were laughing their asses off watching that AFC sweat over what to do with me. They said they were mad impressed I was able to talk to these girls, and hell, two of these guys get laid so much they don't even keep count anymore! But I took that as the best compliment of them all: two players are impressed by my skills.

One more story: one of the girls coming back with us was with her boyfriend (they both work at my company). The girl is cute and very assertive, which I find attractive in a girl. I was very casually flirting with her, and over dinner with all of us, she turned to her boyfriend and said "I dunno honey what are you going to get?" to which I interjected, "You know I'm not sure yet." I didn't even think about it but the words came out. He said "Hey, easy there man" but I looked at her which was the important part, and again she was smiling and me with this twinkle in her eye like she was very impressed.

Oh, and guess what else happened? I was hitting on these girls with some of my platonic female friends near my side. They were so impressed that they started hugging and kissing me, which blew me away. So because I was talking to other girls, I'm instantly more attractive to them? One of them even asked me, "so why aren't you targeting me tonight?" I would have but because of details, I didn't...

So there is hope, and I am going to steam ahead to continue my sargings. I'm moving towards an area of this city where the major university is located, so I intend to be on the prowl regularly. I'll keep you posted, O blogger!

I had no real game these nights, but taking these first few steps was an amazing accomplishment for this RAFC. I need to continue to study the sites and understand exactly how to complete a talk with a girl, from hello to let's go back to my place. I didn't attempt that second half yet since I hadn't read it yet, but I was so confident of where I had made it thus far that I can't stop but smile when thinking about it.


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